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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, G, H, R and T

AGOROTHagoroth n. Plural of agora.
AGORA n. a marketplace in ancient Greece.
ALRIGHTalright adj. (Often proscribed) Alternative form of all right; satisfactory; okay; in acceptable order.
alright adv. (Often proscribed) Alternative form of all right.
alright interj. (Informal) Used to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance; OK.
DRAUGHTdraught n. (British spelling) Alternative form of draft in some of its senses.
draught n. (Britain) A checker: a game piece used in the game of draughts.
draught n. (Australia) Ale: a type of beer brewed using top-fermenting yeast.
FRAUGHTfraught n. (Obsolete) The hire of a ship or boat to transport cargo.
fraught n. (Obsolete) Money paid to hire a ship or boat to transport cargo; freight.
fraught n. (Obsolete) The transportation of goods, especially in a ship or boat.
GATCHERGATCHER n. one that gatches, boasts.
GATHERSgathers n. Plural of gather.
gathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gather.
GATHER v. to bring together in one place or group.
GERTCHAgertcha interj. (Cockney, slang) Get you gone! Go away!
gertcha interj. (Cockney, slang) Get out of here! No way! (expression of disbelief).
GERTCHA interj. (slang) get away, get along.
GRAITHSgraiths n. Plural of graith.
GRAITH v. (Scots) to dress, prepare.
GYTRASHgytrash n. (Mythology) A legendary black dog (or sometimes a horse or mule) said to haunt lonely roads in northern…
GYTRASH n. (dialect) a ghost or apparition.
THRANGSthrangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thrang.
THRANG v. (Scots) to throng.
TUGHRAStughras n. Plural of tughra.
TUGHRA n. (Turkish) an ornamental monogram incorporating the name and title of the Sultan, also TUGRA.
WARTHOGwarthog n. (Zoology) A wild pig of the genus Phacochoerus, native to Africa.
warthog n. (Military) A nickname for the A-10 Thunderbolt II air support warplane.
WARTHOG n. an African wild hog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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