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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, G, H, O and R

AGOROTHagoroth n. Plural of agora.
AGORA n. a marketplace in ancient Greece.
BEGORAHbegorah interj. (Ireland) Alternative spelling of begorra.
BEGORAH interj. (Irish) an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, by God, also BEGORRA, BEGORRAH.
CHORAGIchoragi n. Plural of choragus.
CHORAGUS n. (Latin) a leader of a choir, also CHOREGUS.
DAROGHAdarogha n. Alternative form of daroga.
DAROGHA n. (Urdu) in India, a manager.
GHERAOSgheraos n. Plural of gherao.
gheraos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gherao.
GHERAO v. to carry out such an action.
HAGBORNhagborn adj. (Archaic) Born of a hag or witch.
HAGBORN adj. born of a witch.
HAGRODEhagrode v. Simple past tense of hagride.
HAGRIDE v. to drive as though possessed by a witch.
HOARINGhoaring v. Present participle of hoar.
HOAR v. to make hoary, grey with frost or age.
HOGWARDhogward n. A swineherd.
HOGWARD n. a swineherd.
HOMAGERhomager n. One who pays feudal homage, hence a vassal.
HOMAGER n. a feudal vassal.
HORNBAGhornbag n. (Australia, slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
HORNBAG n. (offensive Australian slang) a promiscuous woman.
HYGROMAhygroma n. A discrete, fluid-filled sac that can form on the joints of dogs or other animals in response to repeated pressure.
HYGROMA n. a watery swelling over a joint, e.g. water on the knee, also HYDROMA.
ROADHOGroadhog n. Alternative spelling of road hog.
road-hog n. Alternative spelling of road hog.
road␣hog n. A motorist who straddles two lanes of traffic or otherwise monopolizes the road.
WARTHOGwarthog n. (Zoology) A wild pig of the genus Phacochoerus, native to Africa.
warthog n. (Military) A nickname for the A-10 Thunderbolt II air support warplane.
WARTHOG n. an African wild hog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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