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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, G, H, L and S

ALIGHTSalights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alight.
ALIGHT v. to dismount.
GALOSHEgaloshe n. Alternative spelling of galosh.
GALUTHSGALUTH n. (Hebrew) the forced exile of Jews, the diaspora, also GALUT.
GASAHOLgasahol n. Alternative form of gasohol.
GASAHOL n. a mixture of 8 or 9 parts petrol and 1 or 2 parts alcohol, used as a fuel, also GASOHOL.
GASHFULgashful adj. (Obsolete) ghastly; hideous; frightful.
GASHFUL adj. full of gashes; hideous; frightful.
GASOHOLgasohol n. Gasoline mixed with ethyl alcohol (ethanol).
GASOHOL n. a mixture of 8 or 9 parts petrol and 1 or 2 parts alcohol, used as a fuel, also GASAHOL.
GHASTLYghastly adj. Like a ghost in appearance; death-like; pale; pallid; dismal.
ghastly adj. Horrifyingly shocking.
ghastly adj. Extremely bad.
GHAZALSghazals n. Plural of ghazal.
Ghazals prop.n. Plural of Ghazal.
GHAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GAZAL, GHAZEL.
GHAZELSghazels n. Plural of ghazel.
GHAZEL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GHAZAL, GAZAL.
GOULASHgoulash n. A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika.
goulash n. (Bridge) A style of play in which the cards are not thoroughly shuffled between consecutive deals, so…
GOULASH n. (Hungarian) a stew or ragout of meat and vegetables highly seasoned.
HAGGLEShaggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haggle.
HAGGLE v. to bargain.
HAGLETShaglets n. Plural of haglet.
HAGLET n. the kittiwake or shearwater, also HACKLET.
HALSINGhalsing v. Present participle of halse.
HALSE v. (Spenser) to embrace, also HAUSE, HAWSE.
HANGULShanguls n. Plural of hangul.
HANGUL n. (Korean) an alphabetic script for Korean.
LARGISHlargish adj. Somewhat large.
LARGISH adj. somewhat large.
LASHINGlashing n. Something used to tie something or lash it to something.
lashing n. The act of one who, or that which, lashes; castigation; chastisement.
lashing n. As lashings: lots.
MUGHALSMughals n. Plural of Mughal.
MUGHAL n. (Persian) an important person, also MOGUL, MOGHUL.
SEALGHSSEALGH n. (Scots) a seal (the animal), also SEALCH, SELKIE, SILKIE.
SHALINGshaling v. Present participle of shale.
SHALE v. to shell, husk, also SHEAL, SHEEL, SHIEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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