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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, 2G, N and O

AGELONGagelong adj. Lasting throughout all time; eternal.
AGELONG adj. lasting for a very long time.
ANAGOGEanagoge n. The spiritual or mystical interpretation of a word or passage beyond the literal, allegorical or moral…
ANAGOGE n. (Greek) a mystical interpretation, also ANAGOGY.
ANAGOGYanagogy n. The spiritual or mystical interpretation of a word or passage beyond the literal, allegorical or moral sense.
ANAGOGY n. a spiritual, mystical, or allegorical interpretation, also ANAGOGE.
GANGBOSGANGBO n. a civil order restricting the activities of a gang member.
GAOLINGgaoling v. Present participle of gaol.
gaoling n. An instance of a person being gaoled.
Gaoling prop.n. A district of Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
GIGATONgigaton n. A measure of the strength of an explosion or a bomb based on how many billion tons of TNT would be needed…
gigaton n. One billion tons.
GIGATON n. a unit of weight, a thousand million tons.
GOADINGgoading v. Present participle of goad.
goading n. The act by which somebody is goaded.
GOAD v. to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick).
GOALINGgoaling v. Present participle of goal.
GOAL v. to score a goal.
GOBANGSgobangs n. Plural of gobang.
GOBANG n. (Japanese) a Japanese board game, also GOBAN, GOMOKU.
GUANGOSguangos n. Plural of guango.
GUANGO n. (Spanish) the rain tree.
HANGDOGhangdog n. A base, degraded person.
hangdog adj. Low; sneaking; ashamed.
hangdog v. To move or loiter in a sneaking or ashamed manner.
MOGGANSmoggans n. Plural of moggan.
MOGGAN n. (Scots) a footless stocking.
OXGANGSoxgangs n. Plural of oxgang.
OXGANG n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGATE, OXLAND.
SYNAGOGsynagog n. Alternative spelling of synagogue.
SYNAGOG n. (Greek) a Jewish church, also SYNAGOGUE.
WAGGONSwaggons n. Plural of waggon.
waggons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of waggon.
WAGGON v. to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, also WAGON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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