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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, F, 2R and T

CRAFTERcrafter n. Someone who participates in a particular handicraft, either as a hobby or as a small business.
CRAFTER n. a person doing craftwork.
DRAFTERdrafter n. A person who prepares technical drawings and plans.
drafter n. A person who prepares drafts.
drafter n. (US) A person who writes a legislative bill.
FARRANTFARRANT adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or appearance, also FARAND, FARRAND.
FARTHERfarther adj. Alternative form of further. (See also the usage notes at further.)
farther adv. Alternative form of further. (See also the usage notes at further.)
farther v. (Uncommon or old-fashioned) Alternative form of further.
FERRATEferrate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The anion FeO42- in which iron is in a +6 formal oxidation state.
FERRATE n. a salt of ferric acid.
FRACTURfractur n. Alternative spelling of fraktur.
FRACTUR n. (German) a German style of black letter, the normal type used for printing German from the 16th to the mid 20th century, also FRAKTUR.
FRAKTURfraktur n. (Typography) A style of black letter type, used especially in Germany in the 16th to 20th centuries.
fraktur n. (US) A Pennsylvania German document style, incorporating watercolour illustration and fraktur lettering.
Fraktur n. Alternative letter-case form of fraktur.
FRATERSfraters n. Plural of frater.
Fraters prop.n. Plural of Frater.
FRATER n. (Latin) a monk, a house for monks.
FRATERYfratery n. A frater house; an apartment in a convent used as a dining room.
FRATERY n. a convent of friars, also FRATRY.
GRAFTERgrafter n. One who inserts scions on other stocks, or propagates fruit by engrafting.
grafter n. An instrument by which grafting is facilitated.
grafter n. The original tree from which a scion has been taken for grafting upon another tree.
RAFTERSrafters n. Plural of rafter.
Rafters prop.n. Plural of Rafter.
RAFTER v. to supply with supporting beams.
REDRAFTredraft v. To draft again.
redraft n. A second or subsequent draft.
redraft n. (Finance) A new bill of exchange which the holder of a protested bill draws on the drawer or endorsers…
REFRACTrefract v. (Intransitive, of light) To change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
refract v. (Transitive, optics) To cause (light) to change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
REFRACT v. to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light.
REGRAFTregraft v. (Transitive) To graft again or anew.
regraft n. A second or subsequent graft.
REGRAFT v. to graft again.
STRAFERstrafer n. One who strafes.
STRAFER n. one who strafes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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