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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, F, L and 2S

FALSERSfalsers n. Plural of falser.
FALSER n. (obsolete) a falsifier, a counterfeiter.
FALSESTfalsest adj. Superlative form of false: most false.
FALSE adj. not genuine.
FALSIESfalsies n. Plural of falsie.
FALSIE n. a pad worn within a brassiere.
FALSISHfalsish adj. Somewhat false.
FALSISH adj. somewhat false.
FALSISMfalsism n. A claim that is self-evidently false, commonly used a rhetorical device.
FALSISM n. something which is obviously false.
FATLESSfatless adj. Without fat, especially in the senses: made without fat, fat-free.
FATLESS adj. having no fat.
FESTALSFESTAL n. a festivity.
FILASSEfilasse n. Vegetable fiber, such as jute or ramie, prepared for manufacture.
FILASSE n. (French) vegetable fibre prepared for manufacture.
FISCALSfiscals n. Plural of fiscal.
Fiscals prop.n. Plural of Fiscal.
FISCAL n. a treasurer; a public prosecutor.
FLASERSflasers n. Plural of flaser.
FLASER n. (German) a streaky appearance in rocks.
FLASHESflashes n. Plural of flash.
flashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flash.
FLASH v. to shine briefly.
FOSSULAfossula n. (Anatomy) A small fossa.
FOSSULA n. (Latin) a small depression.
FUTSALSFUTSAL n. a form of association football, played indoors with five a side, also FOOTSAL.
SAFROLSsafrols n. Plural of safrol.
SAFROL n. a colourless oily liquid obtained from sassafras and used in perfumes, soaps etc., also SAFROLE.
SALSIFYsalsify n. (Countable, uncountable) Any of several flowering plants, of the genus Tragopogon, most of which have purple flowers.
salsify n. (Countable, uncountable) Pseudopodospermum hispanicum (syn. Scorzonera hispanica), a plant similar in…
salsify n. (Uncountable) The edible root of these plants.
SCLAFFSsclaffs n. Plural of sclaff.
sclaffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sclaff.
SCLAFF v. to strike the ground with a club before hitting the ball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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