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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, F, L, N and T

ANTIFLUantiflu adj. Acting against or serving to prevent flu.
ANTIFLU adj. combating the flu.
FAINTLYfaintly adv. In a faint manner; very quietly or lightly.
FAINT adv. lacking strength.
FANTAILfantail n. Any of several birds, of the genus Rhipidura, from Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
fantail n. Any of several domestic varieties of pigeon having a fan-shaped tail.
fantail n. Any of several goldfish having a large fan-shaped tail.
FATLINGfatling n. A young animal (especially a calf or lamb) which has been fattened for slaughter.
FATLING n. a young animal fattened for slaughter.
FLATTENflatten v. (Transitive) To make something flat or flatter.
flatten v. (Reflexive) To press one’s body tightly against a surface, such as a wall or floor, especially in order…
flatten v. (Transitive) To knock down or lay low.
FLAUNTSflaunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flaunt.
FLAUNT v. to exhibit in a showy manner.
FLAUNTYflaunty adj. Flaunting; showy; meretricious.
FLAUNTY adj. showy.
FLOTANTflotant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as flying or streaming in the air or in water.
FLOTANT adj. in heraldry, represented as flying or streaming in the air; as, a banner flotant.
FLUTINAflutina n. (Music) An early precursor to the diatonic button accordion, having one or two rows of treble buttons…
FLUTINA n. a type of accordion.
FRONTALfrontal adj. Of, relating to, directed toward, or situated at the front.
frontal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone.
frontal adj. (Anatomy) Parallel to the main axis of the body and at right angles to the sagittal plane.
INFLATEinflate v. (Transitive) To enlarge an object by pushing air (or a gas) into it; to raise or expand abnormally.
inflate v. (Intransitive) To enlarge by filling with air (or a gas).
inflate v. (Figurative) To swell; to puff up.
LIFTMANliftman n. A person employed to operate a lift.
LIFTMAN n. a person who operates a lift, also LIFTBOY.
NUTLOAFNUTLOAF n. a savoury loaf made from nuts, vegetables, rice, etc.
RUNFLATrunflat adj. Alternative form of run-flat.
run-flat adj. (Automotive) Of a pneumatic tyre/tire: designed to resist the effects of deflation when punctured, and…
RUNFLAT n. a tyre able to run after being punctured.
TAILFANtailfan n. The outer part of a bird’s tail, farthest from the body.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.
TAILFINtailfin n. A fin at the tail of a fish, caudal fin.
tailfin n. A fin on the tail of an aircraft, vertical stabilizer.
tailfin n. (Automotive) A fin-like projection at the rear of a car, common on American cars of the 1950s.
TANKFULtankful n. The amount (usually of a fluid) that will fill a tank.
TANKFUL n. the amount a tank can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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