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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, F, I, R and U

ANTIFURantifur adj. Opposed to the killing of animals for their fur.
ANTIFUR adj. opposed to wearing animal fur.
AQUIFERaquifer n. An underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel.
AQUIFER n. an underground reservoir of water which can be extracted for surface use, also AQUAFER.
FAILUREfailure n. State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success.
failure n. Omission to do something, whether or not it was attempted, especially something that ought to have been done.
failure n. An object, person or endeavour in a state of failure or incapable of success.
FAITOURfaitour n. (Archaic) A charlatan or imposter, especially one pretending to be ill, or to tell fortunes.
FAITOUR n. an imposter, also FAITOR.
FAQUIRSfaquirs n. Plural of faquir.
FAQUIR n. (Arabic) a Hindu ascetic, also FAKEER, FAKIR, FAQIR.
FIBULARfibular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the fibula.
FIBULAR adj. pertaining to the fibula.
FIGURALfigural adj. Representing by means of a figure; emblematic.
figural adj. Figurative, not literal.
figural adj. (Mathematics, obsolete) Of numbers, describing a geometrical figure.
FUMARICfumaric adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from fumitory.
fumaric adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to fumaric acid or its derivatives.
FUMARIC adj. pertaining to a certain acid.
FUNFAIRfunfair n. (UK, Ireland) A travelling amusement park.
FUNFAIR n. an amusement park.
FURFAIRFURFAIR n. dandruff, also FURFUR.
FUSARIAfusaria n. Plural of fusarium.
FUSARIUM n. a type of fungus, causing plant disease.
REFUGIArefugia n. Plural of refugium.
REFUGIUM n. (Latin) a stable area during a period of continental climatic change.
RUFFIANruffian n. A scoundrel, rascal, or unprincipled, deceitful, brutal and unreliable person.
ruffian n. (Obsolete) A pimp; a pander.
ruffian n. (Obsolete) A lover; a paramour.
RUFIYAArufiyaa n. The official currency of Maldives, equal to 100 laari.
RUFIYAA n. a monetary unit of the Maldives.
SUFFARISUFFARI n. (Swahili) a hunting expedition, also SAFARI.
TARTUFITARTUFO n. (Italian) a dessert of light mousse-like chocolate.
UNFAIRSunfairs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfair.
UNFAIR v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of beauty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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