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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, F, I and 2L

FAILLESfailles n. Plural of faille.
FAILLE n. (French) a shiny closely woven silk, cotton or rayon fabric.
FALLINGfalling v. Present participle of fall.
falling n. Gerund of fall.
FALLING n. the act of falling.
FAMILLEFAMILLE n. (French) a type of Chinese porcelain.
FINALLYfinally adv. At the end or conclusion; ultimately.
finally adv. (Sequence) To finish (with); lastly (in the present).
finally adv. (Manner) Definitively, comprehensively.
FLAILEDflailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flail.
FLAIL v. to thresh about.
FLAKILYflakily adv. In a flaky way.
FLAKY adv. tending to form flakes.
FLUIDALfluidal adj. (Chiefly geology) Pertaining to a fluid, or to a flowing motion.
FLUIDAL adj. pertaining to a fluid, or to its flowing motion.
FLUVIALfluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream.
FLUVIAL adj. of or relating to a river or stream.
FRAILLYfrailly adv. In a frail manner; weakly; infirmly.
FRAIL adv. weak, infirm.
HALFLINHALFLIN n. a half-grown person, also HALFLING, HAFFLIN.
ICEFALLicefall n. A relatively rapid and turbulent flow of ice, somewhat analogous to a waterfall.
ICEFALL n. a steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall.
INFALLSinfalls n. Plural of infall.
INFALL n. a falling inwards.
MISFALLmisfall v. (Transitive, intransitive) To befall badly or incorrectly; happen unfortunately (to); mishappen; turn out badly.
misfall n. A mishap; accident; bad luck; misfortune.
MISFALL v. unluckily to befall.
PAILFULpailful n. The amount that fills, or would fill, a pail.
PAILFUL n. as much as a pail can hold.
PINFALLpinfall n. (Wrestling, countable) A victorious maneuver in which both of an opponent’s shoulders are held against…
pinfall n. (Bowling) The number of pins toppled by a bowler or bowling team during a game, tournament, career…
PINFALL n. a wrestling fall which pins one's opponent.
PITFALLpitfall n. (Figurative) A potential, unsuspected, hidden problem, hazard, or danger that is easily encountered…
pitfall n. (Literally) A type of trap consisting of a concealed pit in the ground, which the victim is supposed…
pitfall n. (Computing) An antipattern.
TAILFLYTAILFLY n. part of a fishing fly which resembles the tail of an insect.
VIALFULvialful n. Enough to fill a vial.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.
WAILFULwailful adj. (Chiefly poetic) Sorrowful; mournful.
WAILFUL adj. sorrowful; mournful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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