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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, F, G, L and R

FANGIRLfangirl n. (Fandom slang) A female fan who is obsessive about a particular subject (especially, someone or something…
fangirl v. (Intransitive) To behave like a fangirl; to be obsequious, star-struck, boy crazy, etc.
FANGIRL n. a female who is an enthusiastic devotee of something.
FIGURALfigural adj. Representing by means of a figure; emblematic.
figural adj. Figurative, not literal.
figural adj. (Mathematics, obsolete) Of numbers, describing a geometrical figure.
FLAGGERflagger n. One who uses a flag or signal, as for example to direct traffic or to start a race.
FLAGGER n. a person who carries a flag before a traction-engine to warn of its approach.
FLANGERflanger n. (Music) An electronic device or software that alters the sound of an instrument by combining out-of-phase…
flanger n. (US) A mechanical device used to remove ice and snow from railway lines.
FLANGER n. a vertical scraper for clearing snow from railway tracks to allow room for the wheel-flanges.
FLARINGflaring v. Present participle of flare.
flaring n. The act of something that flares.
flaring n. (Oil industry) The deliberate open-air burning of natural gas that is generated as a by-product of various…
FRAGILEfragile adj. Easily broken or destroyed, and thus often of subtle or intricate structure.
fragile adj. (UK) Feeling weak or easily disturbed as a result of illness.
fragile adj. (UK) Thin-skinned or oversensitive.
GRAYFLYGRAYFLY n. (Milton) an unidentified insect.
RAGEFULrageful adj. Full of rage, enraged.
RAGEFUL adj. full of rage.
REFLAGSreflags v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reflag.
REFLAG v. to change the flag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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