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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, E, L, W and Y

BAWLEYSbawleys n. Plural of bawley.
BAWLEY n. in Essex and Kent, a small fishing-smack.
BELTWAYbeltway n. (US) A freeway that encircles a city.
Beltway prop.n. A 64-mile Interstate freeway surrounding Washington, D.C..
Beltway prop.n. (Mostly local usage) The expressway that surrounds another city.
BYELAWSbyelaws n. Plural of byelaw.
bye-laws n. Plural of bye-law.
BYELAW n. the law of a local authority or private corporation, also BYLAW.
LANEWAYlaneway n. (Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Australia) A narrow roadway; a lane.
LANEWAY n. a narrow passageway, also LANE.
LAWYERSlawyers n. Plural of lawyer.
lawyers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lawyer.
LAWYER v. to work as a member of the legal profession.
LEEWAYSleeways n. Plural of leeway.
LEEWAY n. the lateral drift of a ship.
LIFEWAYlifeway n. (Now chiefly North America) One’s path through life; a lifestyle or behaviour, now especially when seen…
LIFEWAY n. a way of living.
OWRELAYOWRELAY n. (Scots) a large cravat.
SHAWLEYShawley prop.n. A surname.
SHAWLEY n. in Ireland, a working woman, esp. a fisherwoman, who wears a shawl, also SHAWLIE.
SWAYLEDSWAYL v. to scorch, singe, also SWAIL, SWALE, SWEAL, SWEEL.
TRAWLEYTRAWLEY n. a small truck for transporting material.
WALLEYEwalleye n. (Plural "walleyes") One or a pair of sideways-looking misaligned eyes.
walleye n. (Plural "walleyes") An unusually pale eye.
walleye n. (Plural "walleye" or "walleyes") A species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern U.S…
WALLEYSWALLEY n. a type of jump in figure skating.
WAYLESSwayless adj. Without a way.
WAYLESS adj. having no path.
WEALTHYwealthy adj. Possessing financial wealth; rich.
wealthy adj. Abundant in quality or quantity; profuse. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
wealthy n. (Plural only) Synonym of rich: the wealthy people of a society or of the world collectively.
WEARILYwearily adv. In a weary manner.
WEARY adv. tired.
WEASELYweasely adj. Alternative spelling of weaselly.
WEASELY adj. like a weasel, shifty, also WEASELLY.
WELAWAYwelaway interj. Obsolete form of wellaway.
WHALERYwhalery n. A whale fishery.
WHALERY n. whaling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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