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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, E, I, M and Y

AMENITYamenity n. Pleasantness.
amenity n. A thing or circumstance that is welcome and makes life a little easier or more pleasant.
amenity n. Convenience.
ANYTIMEanytime adv. At any time.
anytime interj. "you’re welcome" in response to "thank you" or "thanks.".
anytime adj. Suitable for any time; not associated with any particular time.
AZYMITEazymite n. (Eastern Orthodoxy, historical, derogatory) One who administers the Eucharist with unleavened bread…
Azymite n. Alternative letter-case form of azymite.
AZYMITE n. a member of any church using unleavened bread in the Eucharist.
BEAMILYbeamily adv. In a beaming manner.
BEAMILY adv. radiantly.
DAYTIMEdaytime n. The time of daylight; the time between sunrise and sunset.
daytime adj. Pertaining to daytime; appropriate to the day.
daytime adj. Happening during the day.
HYMENIAhymenia n. Plural of hymenium.
HYMENIUM n. the spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
IMAGERYimagery n. The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects.
imagery n. Imitation work.
imagery n. Images in general, or en masse.
LAYTIMElaytime n. In commercial shipping, the amount of time specified in a charter party for a vessel’s loading and unloading.
LAYTIME n. the total time allowed for the loading and unloading of cargo.
LEHAYIMlehayim interj. Alternative form of lechayim.
LEHAYIM n. (Hebrew) a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LECHAIM, LEHAIM.
MEATILYmeatily adv. In a meaty way.
MEATY adv. full of meat.
MEDIACYmediacy n. Mediation; presence of an intermediary.
mediacy n. The facility to work with words and numbers.
mediacy n. The facility to work with media.
MIDYEARmidyear n. (Uncountable) The middle part of a year.
midyear n. (Countable) An examination taken in the middle part of an academic year.
mid-year adj. Taking place in or relating to the middle of a year.
MYCELIAmycelia n. Plural of mycelium.
MYCELIUM n. (Greek) the white threads or filamentous growth from which a mushroom or fungus is developed, also MYCELE.
MYIASESmyiases n. Plural of myiasis.
MYIASIS n. infestation of human tissue by fly maggots, also MYASIS.
PYAEMIApyaemia n. (Pathology) A type of septicemia caused usually by the presence of Staphylococcus bacteria in the bloodstream;…
pyæmia n. Archaic form of pyaemia.
PYAEMIA n. (Greek) the presence of pus in the blood, also PYEMIA.
PYAEMICpyaemic adj. Alternative spelling of pyemic.
pyæmic adj. Obsolete form of pyemic.
PYAEMIC adj. of or pertaining to pyaemia, a form of blood poisoning, also PYEMIC.
PYEMIASpyemias n. Plural of pyemia.
PYEMIA n. (Greek) the presence of pus in the blood, also PYAEMIA.
RIMAYESrimayes n. Plural of rimaye.
RIMAYE n. (French) a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall.
YAMPIESyampies n. Plural of yampy.
YAMPY n. (dialect) a foolish person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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