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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, E, H, I and Y

HAYIESTHAYEY adj. like hay.
HAYRIDEhayride n. (US) A recreational ride in a vehicle full of hay.
hay␣ride n. A leisurely ride in an open cart filled with hay throughout a scenic area.
hay␣ride n. (Figuratively) Any easy task.
HAYWIREhaywire n. Wire used to bind bales of hay.
haywire adj. Roughly-made, unsophisticated, decrepit (from the use of haywire for temporary repairs).
haywire adj. Behaviorally erratic or uncontrollable, especially of a machine or mechanical process; usually used…
HEADILYheadily adv. In a heady manner.
HEADY adv. intoxicating.
HEAVILYheavily adv. In a heavy manner.
heavily adv. With a great weight.
heavily adv. To a considerable degree, to a great extent.
HYACINEhyacine n. (Obsolete) A hyacinth.
HYACINE n. (Spenser) a blue gemstone, hyacinth.
HYAENIChyaenic adj. Alternative form of hyenic.
HYAENIC adj. of or like a hyaena, also HYENIC, HYENINE, HYENOID.
HYALINEhyaline adj. Glassy, transparent; amorphous.
hyaline n. (Poetic) Anything glassy, translucent or transparent; the sea or sky.
hyaline n. (Zoology, anatomy) A clear translucent substance in tissues.
HYALITEhyalite n. (Mineralogy) A form of opal.
HYALITE n. a pellucid variety of opal in globules looking like colorless gum or resin.
HYDRIAEhydriae n. Plural of hydria.
HYDRIA n. (Greek) a large Greek water-vase.
HYMENIAhymenia n. Plural of hymenium.
HYMENIUM n. the spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
LEHAYIMlehayim interj. Alternative form of lechayim.
LEHAYIM n. (Hebrew) a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LECHAIM, LEHAIM.
SAKIYEHsakiyeh n. Alternative spelling of sakia.
SAKIYEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern waterwheel, also SAKIA, SAKIEH.
YACHTIEyachtie n. Alternative spelling of yachty.
YACHTIE n. (Australian slang) a yachtsman, also YACHTER, YACHTMAN, YACHTSMAN.
YESHIVAyeshiva n. (Judaism) An academy for the advanced study of Jewish texts.
Yeshiva n. Alternative letter-case form of yeshiva.
YESHIVA n. (Hebrew) a school for the study of the Jewish scripture, the Talmud, also YESHIVAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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