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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, I and O

AGONIESagonies n. Plural of agony.
AGONY n. extreme suffering.
AGONISEagonise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of agonize.
AGONISE v. to suffer agony, also AGONIZE.
AGONIZEagonize v. (Intransitive) To writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.
agonize v. (Intransitive) To struggle; to wrestle; to strive desperately, whether mentally or physically.
agonize v. (Transitive) To cause agony or anguish in someone.
APOGEICapogeic adj. Pertaining to the apogee.
apogeic adj. (Figuratively) Climactic.
APOGEIC adj. relating to an apogee, the outermost point in an orbit, also APOGAEIC, APOGEAL, APOGEAN.
BEGONIAbegonia n. Any plant of the large genus of Begonia.
Begonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Begoniaceae – the begonias.
BEGONIA n. a garden plant with waxy leaves and ornamental flowers.
CAMOGIEcamogie n. A women’s stick-and-ball sport from Ireland, almost identical to hurling.
CAMOGIE n. (Irish) an Irish game, a form of hurling, played by women.
COINAGEcoinage n. The process of coining money.
coinage n. (Uncountable) Coins taken collectively; currency.
coinage n. (Uncountable, lexicography) The creation of new words, neologizing.
EULOGIAeulogia n. (Christianity, historical) The practice of sending the consecrated Eucharist to those not present, or…
eulogia n. (Rare) plural of eulogy.
EULOGIA n. (Latin) a blessing; holy bread.
FOLIAGEfoliage n. The leaves of plants.
foliage n. (Short for) Fall foliage.
foliage n. An architectural ornament representing foliage.
GANOINEganoine n. (Zoology) A kind of bony tissue beneath the enamel of a ganoid scale.
GANOINE n. the hard shiny substance resembling enamel which forms the outer layer of ganoid fish-scales, also GANOIN.
GEOIDALgeoidal adj. Relating to, or shaped like a geoid.
GEOIDAL adj. relating to a geoid, the figure of the earth's mean sea-level surface assumed to be continued under the land.
GOALIESgoalies n. Plural of goalie.
GOALIE n. a player who defends against goals.
GOATIERgoatier adj. Comparative form of goaty: more goaty.
GOATY adj. like a goat, smelling of goat.
GOATIESGOATY n. a goatee beard, also GOATEE.
GODETIAgodetia n. Any of several flowering plants of the taxonomic section of Clarkia, Clarkia sect. Godetia.
GODETIA n. any plant of an American genus, closely related to the evening primrose.
HOAGIEShoagies n. Plural of hoagie.
HOAGIE n. a long sandwich, also HOAGY.
IMAGOESimagoes n. Plural of imago.
IMAGO n. (Latin) an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state.
ISAGOGEisagoge n. An introduction, especially (particularly capitalized) Porphyry’s introduction to the works of Aristotle.
ISAGOGE n. (Greek) an academic introduction to a subject.
ORIGANEorigane n. Alternative form of oregano (“wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare”).
ORIGANE n. (Spanish) wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGAN, ORIGANUM.
SOILAGEsoilage n. Forage feed cut and fed to animals while still fresh.
soilage n. Act, process, or instance of soiling.
soilage n. State or condition of being soiled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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