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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, E, F, H and R

ARCHFOEarchfoe n. Archenemy.
ARCHFOE n. a principal foe.
CHAFERSchafers n. Plural of chafer.
CHAFER n. any of several kinds of beetle, esp. of the Scarabeidae.
CHAFFERchaffer v. (Intransitive) To haggle or barter.
chaffer v. (Transitive) To buy.
chaffer v. To talk much and idly; to chatter.
CHAMFERchamfer n. An obtuse-angled relief or cut at an edge added for a finished appearance and to break sharp edges.
chamfer v. (Transitive) To cut off the edge or corner of something.
chamfer v. (Transitive) To cut a groove in something.
CHAUFERCHAUFER n. a metal box for holding fire, also CHAUFFER.
FAHLERZfahlerz n. (Mineralogy) fahlband.
FAHLERZ n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLORE.
FAHLOREfahlore n. Antimony-bearing copper arsenate.
FAHLORE n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLERZ.
FAITHERFAITHER n. (Scots) father.
FARTHELfarthel n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of fardel (a bundle or burden).
FARTHEL n. (Scots) the quarter of a round cake of flour or oatmeal, also FARL, FARLE.
FARTHERfarther adj. Alternative form of further. (See also the usage notes at further.)
farther adv. Alternative form of further. (See also the usage notes at further.)
farther v. (Uncommon or old-fashioned) Alternative form of further.
FASHERYfashery n. (Scotland, Geordie, Northern England) Worry; bother; annoyance.
FASHERY n. annoyance.
FATHERSfathers n. Plural of father.
fathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of father.
FATHER v. to be the male parent of.
FEATHERfeather n. A branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds, used for flight, swimming, protection and display.
feather n. Long hair on the lower legs of a dog or horse, especially a draft horse, notably the Clydesdale breed…
feather n. One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow.
FLASHERflasher n. Anything that flashes, especially a device that switches a light on and off.
flasher n. (Automotive) An indicator or turn signal.
flasher n. (Obsolete) Someone of great accomplishments, or brilliant appearance.
HAFTERShafters n. Plural of hafter.
Hafters prop.n. Plural of Hafter.
HAFTER n. a caviler, a wrangler.
SHAFTERshafter n. One who or that which shafts.
Shafter prop.n. A city in Kern County, California, United States.
SHAFTER n. a shaft-horse.
TEREFAHterefah adj. Alternative spelling of treyf.
TEREFAH adj. (Hebrew) not ritually clean, not kosher, also TEREFA, TRAYF, TREF, TREFA, TREFAH, TREIF, TREIFA, TREYF, TREYFA.
WHARFEDwharfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wharf.
WHARF v. to place on a wharf; to strengthen by the building of a wharf.
WHARFIEwharfie n. (Australia, New Zealand, informal, colloquial) A wharf labourer or stevedore.
WHARFIE n. (Australian slang) a wharf labourer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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