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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, 2E, N and U

AENEOUSaeneous adj. Bronze-colored.
æneous adj. Alternative form of aeneous.
AENEOUS adj. (Latin) of a shining bronze colour, also AENEUS.
AVENUESavenues n. Plural of avenue.
AVENUE n. a wide street.
CUNEATEcuneate adj. (Biology) wedge-shaped.
cuneate adj. (Botany) wedge-shaped, with the narrow part at the base.
cuneate adj. (Botany) having straight, or almost straight sides meeting at the apex or base.
EUCAINEeucaine n. (Pharmacology) A derivative of cocaine used as a local anesthetic in veterinary medicine.
EUCAINE n. an anaesthetic safer than cocaine, also EUCAIN.
EUGENIAeugenia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Eugenia of myrtaceous plants.
Eugenia prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek. Variant: Eugenie.
Eugenia prop.n. (Astronomy) 45 Eugenia, a main belt asteroid.
EUGLENAeuglena n. (Biology) Any of several protists, of the genus Euglena, that contain chloroplasts and a single flagellum.
Euglena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euglenaceae – protists that are among the first single-cell organisms…
EUGLENA n. a photosynthesizing, motile protozoan, also EUGLENID.
EUPNEASeupneas n. Plural of eupnea.
EUPNEA n. normal breathing, also EUPNOEA.
EUPNOEAeupnoea n. Alternative spelling of eupnea.
eupnœa n. Alternative spelling of eupnea.
EUPNOEA n. normal breathing, also EUPNEA.
JAUNTEEjauntee adj. Obsolete form of jaunty.
JAUNTEE adj. (obsolete) jaunty, sprightly, also JANTEE, JANTY, JAUNTIE, JAUNTY.
NEBULAEnebulae n. Plural of nebula.
nebulæ n. Plural of nebula.
NEBULA n. (Latin) a hazy or indistinct luminous area in the night sky representing a distant cluster of stars.
RENAGUErenague v. Alternative form of renege.
RENAGUE v. to refuse, deny, also RENEAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
TUNEAGEtuneage n. (Slang) music.
TUNEAGE n. (a piece of) recorded music that one likes.
UNEAGERuneager adj. Not eager.
UNEAGER adj. not eager.
UNEAREDuneared adj. (Obsolete) unploughed.
uneared adj. Earless; without ears.
UNEARED adj. not eared.
UNEASESuneases v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unease.
UNEASE n. mental or physical discomfort.
UNEATENuneaten adj. Not eaten.
UNEATEN adj. not eaten.
UNREAVEunreave v. (Obsolete, transitive) To unwind; to disentangle; to loose.
UNREAVE v. to unwind; to disentangle.
UNWEAVEunweave v. (Transitive) To undo something woven.
UNWEAVE v. to undo something woven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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