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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, 2E, G and V

AVENGEDavenged v. Simple past tense and past participle of avenge.
AVENGE v. to take retribution for, also VENGE.
AVENGERavenger n. One who avenges or vindicates.
avenger n. One who takes vengeance.
AVENGER n. one that avenges, also VENGER.
AVENGESavenges n. Plural of avenge.
AVENGE v. to take retribution for, also VENGE.
AVERAGEaverage n. (Mathematics) The arithmetic mean.
average n. (Statistics) Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode.
average n. (Law, marine) Financial loss due to damage to transported goods; compensation for damage or loss.
ENGRAVEengrave v. (Transitive) To carve text or symbols into (something), usually for the purposes of identification or art.
engrave v. (Transitive) To carve (something) into a material.
engrave v. (Obsolete) To put in a grave, to bury.
EVANGELevangel n. The Christian gospel.
evangel n. A salutary principle relating to morals, politics, etc.
evangel n. An evangelist.
GAVELEDgaveled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gavel.
GAVEL v. to signal for attention with a gavel (a small mallet).
GENEVASGenevas n. Plural of Geneva.
GENEVA n. a spirit distilled from grain and flavoured with juniper berries.
GLEAVESGleaves prop.n. Plural of Gleave.
GLEAVE n. a broadsword, also GLAIVE.
GREAVEDgreaved adj. Having greaves (leg armour).
greaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of greave.
GREAVE v. to feel grief, also GRIEVE.
GREAVESgreaves n. The unmeltable residue left after animal fat has been rendered.
greaves n. Plural of greave.
Greaves prop.n. A surname from Old English.
OVERAGEoverage adj. Having an age that is greater than a stipulated minimum.
overage adj. Too old to be of use in a particular situation.
overage v. To have too long an aging process.
SELVAGEselvage n. (Weaving) The edge of a woven fabric, where the weft (side-to-side) threads run around the warp (top…
selvage n. Any edge of fabric finished so as to prevent raveling.
selvage n. (Printing) The excess area of any printed or perforated sheet, such as the border on a sheet of postage…
VEGETALvegetal adj. (Now rare, historical) Capable of growth and reproduction, but not feeling or reason (often opposed…
vegetal adj. Pertaining to vegetables or plants.
vegetal adj. (Wine) Having a grassy, herbaceous taste.
VENDAGEVENDAGE n. the grape harvest, also VENDANGE.
VENTAGEventage n. (Countable) A puff of air coming through a hole in a wind instrument.
ventage n. Venting (the act by which something is vented).
VENTAGE n. (Shakespeare) a fingerhole, as in a flute, also VENTIGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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