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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, D, 2R and W

AIRWARDairward adv. Toward the air; upward.
AIRWARD adv. up into the air, also AIRWARDS.
ARROWEDarrowed v. Past participle of arrow.
arrowed adj. Equipped with arrows.
arrowed adj. Pointed to by an arrow (in a diagram).
AWARDERawarder n. One who awards, or assigns by sentence or judicial determination; a judge, arbitrator or umpire.
AWARDER n. one who awards.
DRAWBARdrawbar n. (Rail transport) An open-mouthed bar at the end of a car, which receives a coupling link and pin by…
drawbar n. (Rail transport) A bar of iron with an eye at each end, or a heavy link, for coupling a locomotive to a tender or car.
drawbar n. (Road transport) A device to couple a powered road vehicle to a load to transfer tractive effort to…
DRAWERSdrawers n. Plural of drawer.
drawers n. (Archaic) Clothing worn on the legs, especially that worn next to the skin, such as hose or breeches.
drawers n. (Dated or regional, informal) Underpants, especially long underpants.
DRAWLERdrawler n. One who drawls.
DRAWLER n. one who drawls.
DWARFERdwarfer adj. (Horticulture) comparative form of dwarf: more dwarf.
Dwarfer n. A fan of the British comedy series Red Dwarf.
DWARF adj. extremely small.
FORWARDforward adj. Situated toward or at the front of something.
forward adj. Acting in or pertaining to the direction in which someone or something is facing.
forward adj. Acting in or pertaining to the direction of travel or movement.
FROWARDfroward adj. (Archaic, literary) Disobedient, contrary, unmanageable; difficult to deal with; with an evil disposition.
froward prep. (Obsolete) Away from.
FROWARD adj. (archaic) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition.
NORWARDnorward n. Archaic form of northward.
NORWARD n. same as northward.
REDRAWNredrawn v. Past participle of redraw.
REDRAW v. to draw again.
REDRAWSredraws v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redraw.
REDRAW v. to draw again.
REDWAREredware n. A type of terracotta given a red colour by its concentration of ferrous oxide.
REDWARE n. an edible seaweed.
REWARDSrewards n. Plural of reward.
rewards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reward.
REWARD v. to give in return for some service or act.
WARBIRDwarbird n. An aircraft formerly operated by the military, but now owned privately.
warbird n. Any aircraft decorated in military livery for display at airshows etc.
WARBIRD n. a vintage military aircraft, no longer in active use.
WARDERSwarders n. Plural of warder.
Warders prop.n. Plural of Warder.
WARDER v. to guard as a warder.
WARDROPWardrop prop.n. A surname.
WARDROP n. (Milton) a wardrobe.
WARLORDwarlord n. A high military officer in a warlike nation.
warlord n. A local ruler or bandit leader usually where the government is weak.
WARLORD n. a military leader.
WARRANDwarrand v. Obsolete form of warrant.
WARRAND v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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