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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, D, N, P and U

DAUPHINdauphin n. The eldest son of the king of France. Under the Valois and Bourbon dynasties, the Dauphin of France…
dauphin n. (Allegorical): An eldest son.
Dauphin prop.n. A placename.
DUSTPANdustpan n. A flat scoop with a short handle, into which dust, dirt and other material is conveyed with a brush or broom.
DUSTPAN n. a pan for holding swept dust.
PANDOURpandour n. One of a class of Croatian skirmishers serving in the Austrian army.
pandour n. (Obsolete) A robber.
PANDOUR n. one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army, also PANDOOR.
PANDURApandura n. (Music) An Ancient Greek stringed instrument, a kind of lute with three strings that were stopped with…
PANDURA n. (Spanish) an ancient musical instrument, also BANDORA, BANDORE, PANDORA, PANDORE.
POUNDALpoundal n. (Dated, physics) A unit equal to the force needed to accelerate a mass of one pound at a rate of one…
POUNDAL n. a unit of force, the force imparting to one pound mass an acceleration of one foot per second.
PUDENDApudenda n. Plural of pudendum.
PUDENDUM n. (Latin) the external genital organs of a woman.
STANDUPstandup n. Alternative form of stand-up.
stand-up adj. Honest; honorable.
stand-up adj. Upright; while standing.
UNADEPTunadept n. Someone who is not an adept.
unadept adj. Not adept; unproficient.
UNADEPT adj. not adept.
UNCAPEDuncaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncape.
uncaped adj. Not dressed in a cape.
UNCAPE v. (Shakespeare) to throw off the hounds.
UNDRAPEundrape v. (Transitive) To strip of drapery or clothing; to uncover or unveil.
UNDRAPE v. to strip of drapery.
UNPACEDunpaced adj. Not paced; without a set speed.
UNPACED adj. without a pacesetter.
UNPAGEDunpaged adj. Without page numbers.
unpaged adj. (Computing, of memory) Not subject to paging.
UNPAGED adj. having no page numbers.
UNPAREDunpared adj. Not pared.
UNPARED adj. of fruit, not having the skin removed.
UNPAVEDunpaved adj. (Of a road or path) Not having a hard, impervious surface; not paved.
UNPAVED adj. not paved.
UPDRAWNupdrawn v. Past participle of updraw.
UPDRAW v. to draw up.
UPLANDSuplands n. Plural of upland.
UPLAND n. the higher land of a region.
UPSTANDupstand v. (Intransitive) To stand up; arise; be erect; rise.
upstand n. (Construction, plumbing) A section of a roof covering or flashing which turns up against a vertical surface.
upstand adj. (Construction) (of a beam) Having its top surface above the slab with which it integrates; "an upstand beam".

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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