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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, D, M, O and T

COADMITcoadmit v. (Transitive) To admit (a patient) jointly.
COADMIT v. to admit several things equally.
DIATOMSdiatoms n. Plural of diatom.
DIATOM n. a microscopic unicellular alga that has a rigid siliceous cell wall.
DOGMATAdogmata n. Plural of dogma.
DOGMA n. (Greek) an authoritative belief.
DOMATIAdomatia n. Plural of domatium.
DOMATIUM n. (Greek) a plant-structure that harbours mites.
DOORMATdoormat n. A coarse mat at the entrance to a house, upon which one wipes one’s shoes.
doormat n. (Figuratively, derogatory) Someone who is overly submissive to others’ wishes.
door-mat n. Alternative spelling of doormat.
DORMANTdormant adj. Inactive, sleeping, asleep, suspended.
dormant adj. (Heraldry) In a sleeping posture; distinguished from couchant.
dormant adj. (Architecture) Leaning.
MADTOMSmadtoms n. Plural of madtom.
MADTOM n. a North American catfish.
MADWORTmadwort n. Any of certain alyssums.
madwort n. German madwort (Asperugo procumbens).
MADWORT n. any of various plants believed to cure canine madness.
MASTOIDmastoid adj. (Anatomy) Being the process of the temporal bone behind the ear.
mastoid adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
mastoid n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of mastoid process..
MATADORmatador n. (Bullfighting) The person whose aim is to kill the bull in a bullfight.
matador n. (Uncountable) A certain game of dominoes in which four dominoes (the 4-3, 5-2, 6-1, and double blank)…
matador n. (Card games) The jack of clubs, or any other trump held in sequence with it, in the game of skat.
MATTOIDmattoid adj. Displaying erratic behaviour.
mattoid n. A person who displays such behaviour; a person of congenitally abnormal mind bordering on insanity or degeneracy.
MATTOID n. a person on the borderline between sanity and insanity.
MORDANTmordant adj. Having or showing a sharp or critical quality.
mordant adj. Serving to fix a dye to a fibre.
mordant n. Any substance used to facilitate the fixing of a dye to a fibre; usually a metallic compound which reacts…
STARDOMstardom n. The status or position of a performer acknowledged to be a star; fame; celebrity.
STARDOM n. the status of a top performer.
TSARDOMtsardom n. The territory ruled by a tsar.
TSARDOM n. the domain of a czar, also TZARDOM, CZARDOM.
TZARDOMtzardom n. Alternative spelling of tsardom.
TZARDOM n. the domain of a czar, also TSARDOM, CZARDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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