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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, D, M, N and T

ADAMANTadamant adj. (Said of people and their conviction) Firm; unshakeable; unyielding; determined.
adamant adj. (Of an object) Very difficult to break, pierce, or cut.
adamant n. An imaginary rock or mineral of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances…
DAMNESTdamnest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of damn.
DAMNEST n. one's utmost, also DAMNDEST, DAMNEDEST.
DORMANTdormant adj. Inactive, sleeping, asleep, suspended.
dormant adj. (Heraldry) In a sleeping posture; distinguished from couchant.
dormant adj. (Architecture) Leaning.
DUSTMANdustman n. (Britain) A person employed to collect refuse from people’s homes and take it to be processed.
Dustman prop.n. A surname from German.
DUSTMAN n. a trashman.
ENTAMEDentamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of entame.
ENTAME v. (Shakespeare) to tame.
MANDATEmandate n. An official or authoritative command; an order or injunction; a commission; a judicial precept; an authorization.
mandate n. (Politics) The order or authority to do something, as granted to a politician by the electorate.
mandate n. (Canada) A period during which a government is in power.
MANTIDSmantids n. Plural of mantid.
MANTID n. a predatory insect, also MANTIS.
MANTLEDmantled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mantle.
mantled adj. Dressed in a mantle.
MANTLE v. to cover as with a cloak.
MEDIANTmediant n. (Music) The third degree of the diatonic scale.
mediant n. (Mathematics) A rational number whose numerator is the sum of the numerators of two other given rational…
MEDIANT n. the third tone of a scale, about midway between tonic and dominant.
MORDANTmordant adj. Having or showing a sharp or critical quality.
mordant adj. Serving to fix a dye to a fibre.
mordant n. Any substance used to facilitate the fixing of a dye to a fibre; usually a metallic compound which reacts…
MUTANDAmutanda n. Plural of mutandum.
MUTANDUM n. (Latin) something to be altered.
TAMANDUtamandu n. Alternative form of tamandua (“type of anteater”).
TAMANDU n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDUA.
TANDEMStandems n. Plural of tandem.
TANDEM n. (Latin) a bicycle built for two.
UNMATEDunmated adj. Not mated.
unmated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unmate.
UNMATED adj. not mated.
UNTAMEDuntamed adj. Wild, uncontrolled, especially of animals not domesticated or trained to human contact.
UNTAME v. to make untame.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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