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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, D, 2L and R

ALLUREDallured v. Simple past tense and past participle of allure.
ALLURE v. to attract with something desirable.
BOLLARDbollard n. (Nautical) A strong vertical post of timber or iron, fixed to the ground and/or on the deck of a ship…
bollard n. A similar post preventing vehicle access to a pedestrian area, to delineate traffic lanes, or used for…
BOLLARD n. a post of metal or wood on a wharf or ship around which to fasten lines.
COLLARDcollard n. A Mediterranean variety of kale, Brassica oleracea var. acephala.
Collard prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
COLLARD n. pickled or salted meat rolled and cooked with herbs and spices.
DALLIERdallier n. One who dallies; a procrastinator.
DALLIER n. one who dallies.
DIALLERdialler n. Alternative form of dialer.
DIALLER n. one that dials, also DIALER.
DOLLARSdollars n. Plural of dollar.
DOLLAR n. a monetary unit of the USA.
DRYWALLdrywall n. A building material comprising a sheet of gypsum sandwiched between two pieces of heavy paper, used…
drywall n. A wall made of this.
drywall n. A stone wall constructed without mortar or cement.
DULLARDdullard n. A stupid person; a fool.
Dullard prop.n. A surname.
DULLARD n. a dolt.
LADLERSladlers n. Plural of ladler.
LADLER n. one who ladles; (historical) a collector of ladle dues.
LAIRDLYLAIRDLY adj. like a laird.
LANDLERLandler prop.n. A surname.
ländler n. An Austrian folk dance in the form of a slow waltz.
LANDLER n. (German) a slow Austrian dance.
MALLARDmallard n. Anas platyrhynchos, a common and widespread dabbling duck, natively found throughout the Northern Hemisphere…
Mallard prop.n. A surname.
MALLARD n. a wild duck.
ODALLERodaller n. Alternative form of udaller.
ODALLER n. in the Orkneys and Shetlands, one who holds a udal estate, also UDALLER.
POLLARDpollard n. (Often attributive) A pruned tree; the wood of such trees.
pollard n. A buck deer that has shed its antlers.
pollard n. A hornless variety of domestic animal, as cattle or goats.
RAGDOLLragdoll n. A modern American breed of domestic cat with a longhair colourpoint coat that relaxes completely when picked up.
ragdoll n. (Computer graphics, video games) A model consisting of a set of connected rigid bodies that can collapse…
ragdoll v. (Skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, video games) To be flung about, such that a person or character…
RALLIEDrallied v. Simple past tense and past participle of rally.
RALLY v. to call together for a common purpose, also RALLYE, REALLIE.
UDALLERudaller n. One who holds property by udal, or allodial, right.
UDALLER n. a holder of an udal estate, also ODALLER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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