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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, D, 2I and M

AMIDINEamidine n. (Chemistry) any of several classes of organic compound, formally derived from oxoacids by replacement…
-amidine suff. (Organic chemistry) Denotes a chemical compound containing an amidine functional group.
AMIDINE n. the soluble matter in starch, also AMIDIN.
AMIDINSamidins n. Plural of amidin.
AMIDIN n. the soluble matter of starch.
DAIMIOSdaimios n. Plural of daimio.
DAIMIO n. (Japanese) a former Japanese nobleman, also DAIMYO.
DIAMIDEdiamide n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound having two amide groups.
diamide n. (Dated, organic chemistry) hydrazine.
DIAMIDE n. any compound containing two amido groups united with one or more acid or negative radicals.
DIAMINEdiamine n. (Chemistry) Any compound containing two amino functional groups.
DIAMINE n. a chemical compound containing two amino groups, also DIAMIN.
DIAMINSdiamins n. Plural of diamin.
DIAMIN n. a chemical compound containing two amino groups, also DIAMINE.
DIGICAMdigicam n. (Photography) A digital camera.
DIGICAM n. a digital camera.
IMPAVIDimpavid adj. (Archaic) fearless, undaunted.
IMPAVID adj. fearless; undaunted.
INDAMINindamin n. Dated form of indamine.
INDAMIN n. any unstable organic base whose salts are blue or green dyes, also INDAMINE.
MAIDINGMAID v. to work as a maidservant.
MAIDISHmaidish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a maid; effeminate.
maidish adj. Old-maidish.
MAIDISH adj. like a maiden.
MAIDISMmaidism n. (Archaic) A disease of guinea pigs caused by eating deteriorated maize.
MAIDISM n. a chronic disease due to a vitamin deficiency.
MIDAIRSmidairs n. Plural of midair.
MIDAIR n. the midst of a course through the air.
MILADISMILADI n. a term of address for a rich or aristocratic English lady, also MILADY.
MISDIALmisdial v. (Transitive, intransitive) To dial or use a keypad incorrectly, especially on a telephone.
misdial n. An instance of misdialling.
MISDIAL v. to dial incorrectly.
MISLAIDmislaid adj. Cannot be currently found, put in an obscure place, lost - often temporarily.
mislaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislay.
MISLAY v. to put in a forgotten place.
MISSAIDmissaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of missay.
MISSAY v. to say incorrectly.
MUDIRIAmudiria n. Alternative form of mudiriyah.
MUDIRIA n. (Arabic) the province or office of a mudir, a local governor, also MUDIRIEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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