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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, D, H, P and S

APHIDESaphides n. Plural of aphis.
APHIS n. a plant-louse, a member of genus Aphis which includes greenfly, etc., also APHID.
DAMPISHdampish adj. (Obsolete) Characterised by noxious vapours; misty, smoky.
dampish adj. Moderately damp or moist.
DAMPISH adj. somewhat damp.
DAPHNESdaphnes n. Plural of daphne.
DAPHNE n. (Greek) a genus of diminutive shrubs, mostly evergreen, and with fragrant blossoms.
DASHPOTdashpot n. A mechanical damping device consisting of a piston that moves through a viscous fluid (usually oil);…
DASHPOT n. a shock absorber.
DIPHASEdiphase n. Synonym of biphase.
diphase adj. Synonym of biphase.
DIPHASE adj. having two phases, also DIPHASIC.
DISHPANdishpan n. A large basin or pan with a flat bottom in which dishes are washed.
DISHPAN n. a pan for washing dishes.
HEPTADSheptads n. Plural of heptad.
HEPTAD n. a group of seven.
PADSHAHpadshah n. Alternative form of Padishah.
PADSHAH n. (Persian) a chief ruler; monarch; sovereign, also PADISHAH.
PARDAHSpardahs n. Plural of pardah.
PARDAH n. (Urdu) the seclusion of women from public observation among Muslims and some Hindus, also PURDA, PURDAH.
PHASMIDphasmid n. (Entomology) Any insect of the order Phasmida: a leaf insect or walking stick (stick insect).
phasmid n. (Nematology) Either of the two caudal chemoreceptors in some nematodes.
phasmid n. A phagemid.
PHRASEDphrased v. Simple past tense and past participle of phrase.
PHRASE v. to express in words.
PLASHEDplashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of plash.
plashed adj. Having branches bent down and intertwined.
PLASH v. to weave together.
PSHAWEDpshawed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pshaw.
PSHAW v. to utter an expression of contempt or disapproval.
PURDAHSpurdahs n. Plural of purdah.
PURDAH n. (Urdu) seclusion of women from public observation among Muslims and some Hindus, also PARDAH, PURDA.
SAPHEADsaphead n. A simpleton, a stupid person.
SAPHEAD n. a stupid person.
SHADDUPshaddup v. Pronunciation spelling of shut up.
SHADDUP interj. an interjection, shut up.
SHARPEDsharped adj. (Music) Raised in pitch by half a note. Made into a sharp note.
sharped v. (Music) simple past tense and past participle of sharp.
SHARP v. to raise in music by a semitone.
SPATHEDspathed adj. (Botany) Having a spathe or calyx like a sheath.
SPATHED adj. having a spathe.
UPHAUDSUPHAUD v. (Scots) to maintain, warrant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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