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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, D, F, O and S

AFFORDSaffords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of afford.
AFFORD v. to have sufficient means for.
DEFOAMSdefoams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of defoam.
DEFOAM v. to remove foam from.
FANDOMSfandoms n. Plural of fandom.
FANDOM n. an aggregate of enthusiastic devotees.
FANTODSfantods n. (Chiefly dated) plural of fantod.
FANTOD n. a fidgety state, also FANTAD.
FEDORASfedoras n. Plural of fedora.
FEDORA n. a felt hat with a brim and a crease.
FORRADSforrads adv. (Representing dialect pronunciation) Forwards.
forrads n. Plural of forrad.
FORRAD n. a forward.
FORSAIDforsaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of forsay.
FORSAY v. to forbid, to renounce.
FUMADOSfumados n. Plural of fumado.
FUMADO n. (Spanish) a salted and smoked fish, as the pilchard.
SEAFOODseafood n. A colloquial term for fish, shellfish, seaweed, and other edible aquatic life.
seafood n. A nutritional term and culinary term for finned fish and shellfish used as food. In some cultures cartilaginous…
seafood n. A general term and regional vernacular for edible marine fish and shellfish. In this context “seafood”…
SHADOOFshadoof n. A device used to gather water, consisting of a pivoted stick with a bucket on the end of it.
SHADOOF n. (Arabic) a machine, resembling a well sweep, used in Egypt for raising water from the Nile for irrigation, also SHADUF.
SOFABEDsofabed n. Alternative spelling of sofa-bed.
sofa-bed n. A sofa that unfolds into a bed.
sofa␣bed n. Alternative spelling of sofa-bed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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