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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, D, E, N and Z

ADONIZEadonize v. Alternative form of adonise.
Adonize v. Alternative form of adonise.
ADONIZE v. to adorn (oneself), also ADONISE.
AGNIZEDagnized v. Simple past tense and past participle of agnize.
AGNIZE v. to acknowledge, also AGNISE.
ANODIZEanodize v. To coat the surface of a metal electrolytically with an oxide, either as protection or decoration.
ANODIZE v. to give a protective coat, also ANODISE.
CADENZAcadenza n. (Music) A part of a piece of music, such as a concerto, that is very decorative and is played by a single musician.
CADENZA n. (Italian) an elaborate musical passage.
DIAZINEdiazine n. (Organic chemistry) Any six-membered aromatic heterocycle containing four carbon atoms, two nitrogen…
DIAZINE n. any organic compound whose molecules contain a hexagonal ring of four carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms, also DIAZIN.
ENDOZOAENDOZOON n. an internal parasite, also ENTOZOAN, ENTOZOON.
FAZENDAfazenda n. A Brazilian plantation, often associated with slavery during the colonial period.
FAZENDA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian plantation.
UNFAZEDunfazed adj. Not frightened or hesitant; undaunted; not put off.
unfazed adj. (Archaic) Undamaged.
UNFAZED adj. not fazed.
UNGAZEDUNGAZED adj. not gazed (at or upon).
UNRAZEDunrazed adj. Not razed.
UNRAZED adj. not razed.
WEAZANDweazand n. Alternative spelling of weasand.
WEZANDSwezands n. Plural of wezand.
WEZAND n. (obsolete) the windpipe, also WEASAND, WEASON, WEAZAND, WESAND, WESSAND, WIZZEN.
ZANDERSzanders n. Plural of zander.
ZANDER n. (German) a European pike perch allied to the walleye.
ZENAIDAzenaida n. A zenaida dove.
Zenaida prop.n. A female given name from Spanish.
Zenaida prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Columbidae – the zenaida doves.
ZONATEDzonated adj. Synonym of zonate.
ZONATED adj. divided into zones, also ZONATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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