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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, 2D, G and I

ADDINGSADDING n. the act of addition.
ADDLINGaddling n. Alternative form of addlings (earnings).
addling n. The act of causing fertilised eggs to lose viability, by killing the developing embryo within through…
addling v. Present participle of addle.
ADELGIDadelgid n. An insect of the genus Adelges.
ADELGID n. a kind of small insect related to the aphids.
DADDINGdadding v. Present participle of dad.
DAD v. to dash against.
DADOINGdadoing v. Present participle of dado.
DADO v. to set into a groove.
DAUDINGDAUD v. (Scots) to knock, also DAWD.
DAWDINGDAWD v. (Scots) to knock, thump, also DAUD, DOD.
DEADINGdeading v. Present participle of dead.
DEAD v. (obsolete) to lose vitality, become numb.
DIAGRIDdiagrid n. A structure, used by some buildings, which is made up of triangles formed from beams of steel or sometimes…
DIAGRID n. a structure of interlocking diagonal beams used for support.
GADDINGgadding v. Present participle of gad.
gadding n. The act of one who gads, or moves about frivolously.
GAD v. to roam about restlessly.
GADOIDSgadoids n. Plural of gadoid.
GADOID n. a member of the cod family, also GADID.
GIDDYAPgiddyap interj. Alternative form of giddyup.
giddyap v. Alternative form of giddyup.
GIDDYAP interj. used to tell a horse to go faster, also GIDDAP, GIDDUP, GIDDYUP.
GLADDIEgladdie n. (Informal) Gladiolus.
GLADDIE n. (short for) a gladiolus.
HADDINGHAD v. (Scots) to hold.
MADDINGmadding adj. (Archaic) Affected with madness; raging; furious.
madding v. Present participle of mad.
Madding prop.n. A surname.
PADDINGpadding v. Present participle of pad.
padding n. Soft filling material used in cushions etc.
padding n. (Computing) Extra characters such as spaces added to a record to fill it out to a fixed length.
RADDINGRAD v. to fear.
SADDINGsadding v. Present participle of sad.
SAD v. to express sadness.
WADDINGwadding n. Wads collectively.
wadding n. Soft, fibrous cotton or wool used to make a wad, or as a packaging material.
wadding v. Present participle of wad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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