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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, C, P and 2R

CAPERERcaperer n. One who capers, leaps, and skips about, or dances.
CAPERER n. one who capers.
CARPERScarpers n. Plural of carper.
Carpers prop.n. Plural of Carper.
CARPER n. one who carps, criticises.
CARPORTcarport n. A roofed structure for automobile storage, usually attached to a house and not fully enclosed like a…
CARPORT n. a covered parking space, esp. a space under a roof projecting from a building.
CORPORAcorpora n. Plural of corpus.
CORPUS n. (Latin) a human or animal body.
CRAMPERCRAMPER n. a spiked metal plate, used as a brace for the feet in the sport of curling.
CRAPIERcrapier adj. Comparative form of crapy: more crapy.
crapier adj. Comparative form of crapey: more crapey.
CRAPY adj. like crape.
CRAPPERcrapper n. (Vulgar slang) A chamber pot or toilet, particularly (dated) a flush toilet by Thomas Crapper.
crapper n. (Vulgar slang) A lavatory or outhouse.
crapper adj. Comparative form of crap: more crap.
PARROCKparrock n. (UK, dialect) An enclosure; a park; a croft, or small field; a paddock.
parrock v. (Transitive) To enclose or shut in; park.
PARROCK n. (Scots) a croft, or small field; a paddock.
PRANCERprancer n. A person or animal (especially a horse) that prances.
Prancer prop.n. The third reindeer of Santa Claus.
PRANCER n. a horse that prances.
PRERACEprerace adj. (Sports) Occurring before, or in preparation for, a race.
PRERACE adj. before a race.
PROCARPPROCARP n. a female sexual organ in certain algae.
SCARPERscarper v. (Britain, slang) To run away; to flee; to escape.
SCARPER v. to run away, leave without notice, also SCAPA, SCARPA.
SCRAPERscraper n. An instrument with which anything is scraped.
scraper n. One who scrapes horns.
scraper n. One who plays a violin incompetently, producing cacophonous sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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