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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, C, 2P and R

APOCARPAPOCARP n. a fruit having separated carpels.
CAPPERScappers n. Plural of capper.
Cappers prop.n. Plural of Capper.
CAPPER n. one whose business is to make or sell caps.
CLAPPERclapper n. One who claps; a person who applauds by clapping the hands.
clapper n. An object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring; a clanger or tongue.
clapper n. A wooden mechanical device used as a scarecrow; bird-scaring rattle, a wind-rattle or a wind-clapper.
COPPRAScoppras n. Obsolete form of copperas.
COPPRA n. (Malay) dried coconut meat, also COPRA, COPPERAH, COPRAH.
CRAPPEDcrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of crap.
CRAP v. to defecate.
CRAPPERcrapper n. (Vulgar slang) A chamber pot or toilet, particularly (dated) a flush toilet by Thomas Crapper.
crapper n. (Vulgar slang) A lavatory or outhouse.
crapper adj. Comparative form of crap: more crap.
CRAPPIEcrappie n. A member of either of two species of North American sunfish of the genus Pomoxis. Both are silvery-white…
CRAPPIE n. a kind of fish, a member of the sunfish family, also CROPPIE.
EPICARPepicarp n. (Botany) Exocarp.
EPICARP n. the outermost layer of a fruit.
PAPRICApaprica n. Dated form of paprika.
PAPRICA n. (Hungarian) a seasoning made from red peppers, also PAPRIKA.
PREPACKprepack v. (Transitive) To pack in advance.
prepack n. (Business) A bankruptcy procedure in which a restructuring plan is agreed before the company declares…
PREPACK v. to package before retail distribution.
PRIAPICpriapic adj. Phallic.
priapic adj. In a state of penile erection.
priapic adj. Related to or overly concerned with male sexual activity or exhibiting excessive male sexual activity.
PROCARPPROCARP n. a female sexual organ in certain algae.
SCRAPPYscrappy adj. Consisting of scraps; fragmentary; lacking unity or consistency.
scrappy adj. (Informal) Having an aggressive spirit; inclined to fight or strive.
scrappy adj. (Informal) (Of a fight) characterised by lots of ungainly or wild punches, grabs, wrestling, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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