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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, C, N and 2T

ACTANTSactants n. Plural of actant.
ACTANT n. a noun phrase functioning as the agent of the main verb of a sentence.
ATTONCEattonce adv. (Obsolete) Alternative form of at once.
ATTONCE adv. (Spenser) at one, at once, together, also ATTONE, ATTONES.
CANTATAcantata n. (Music) A vocal composition accompanied by instruments and generally containing more than one movement…
CANTATA n. (Italian) a kind of vocal composition with instrumental accompaniment.
CANTATECANTATE n. (Latin) the 98th psalm.
CANTESTCANT adj. affectedly moral or religious.
CANTLETcantlet n. A piece; a fragment; a corner.
CANTLET n. a fragment.
CATMINTcatmint n. Synonym of catnip (the plant Nepeta cataria, or other members of the genus).
CATMINT n. an aromatic herb, also CATNIP.
CATTINGcatting v. Present participle of cat.
CAT v. to vomit.
CONTACTcontact n. The act of touching physically; being in close association.
contact n. The establishment of communication (with).
contact n. The situation of being within sight of something; visual contact.
CONTRATCONTRAT n. (French) a contract, an agreement.
ETCHANTetchant n. An acid or corrosive chemical used in etching.
ETCHANT n. an acid used in etching.
NICTATEnictate v. To wink or blink; (of certain animals) to close the nictating membrane.
NICTATE v. to wink.
OCTANTSoctants n. Plural of octant.
OCTANT n. an eighth part of a circle.
PENTACTpentact n. A pentactinal structure, one with five rays.
PENTACT n. a five-rayed structure in a sponge.
TACTIONtaction n. The act of touching; touch; contact.
taction n. The sense of touch.
TACTION n. the act of touching.
TANTRICtantric adj. Related to Vajrayana Buddhism.
tantric adj. Related to any of several branches of yoga or esoteric traditions rooted in India.
TANTRIC adj. relating to tantra.
TETANICtetanic adj. Of or relating to tetanus.
tetanic adj. Causing tetanus.
tetanic adj. Of or relating to tetany.
TINTACKtintack n. A short nail or tack coated with tin.
tintack n. (Britain) A drawing pin; thumbtack.
tintack v. (Cockney rhyming slang) To sack; to fire from a job.
TITANICtitanic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Titanic.
titanic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or relating to titanium, especially tetravalent titanium.
titanic adj. (Mineralogy) Of a mineral, especially iron ore: containing titanium, or from which titanium may be extracted.
TRANECTTRANECT n. (Shakespeare) a ferry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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