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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, C, L, P and Y

BYPLACEby-place n. A retired place, spot, or situation; somewhere out-of-the-way.
BYPLACE n. a secluded place.
CALYPSOcalypso n. A style of Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to the mid-19th century…
calypso v. (Intransitive) To perform calypso.
calypso n. A bulbous bog orchid of the genus Calypso, Calypso bulbosa.
CAMPILYcampily adv. In a campy manner.
CAMPY adv. comically exaggerated.
CAPABLYcapably adv. In a capable manner.
CAPABLE adv. competent.
CHEAPLYcheaply adv. In a cheap manner; without expending much money.
cheaply adv. (Cricket, by extension) For a low score.
CHEAP adv. inexpensive.
CLAYPANclaypan n. (Geology) A compact stratum of partially permeable material rich in clay.
CLAYPAN n. a compacted layer of subsoil that retains water.
CLYPEALclypeal adj. Of or pertaining to a clypeus.
CLYPEAL adj. relating to the clypeus, the frontal plate of the head of an insect.
COSPLAYcosplay n. (Uncountable) The art or practice of costuming oneself as a (usually fictional) character.
cosplay n. (Countable) A skit or instance of this art or practice.
cosplay v. (Intransitive) To costume oneself as a character.
CRYPTALcryptal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to crypts (small pits or cavities in the body).
CRYPTAL adj. relating to a crypt.
CYPSELAcypsela n. (Botany) An achene formed from an inferior bicarpellary ovary of which only one carpel develops into…
CYPSELA n. (Greek) the fruit of members of the daisy family.
ECTYPALectypal adj. Copied, as contrasted with an archetypal original.
ectypal adj. (Philosophy) Corresponding to external reality.
ECTYPAL adj. or or like an ectype, a reproduction or copy.
PLAYACTplayact v. Alternative form of play-act.
play-act v. (Intransitive) To perform on stage; to act in a play.
play-act v. (Transitive) To play (A scene, role etc.); to act out.
PLIANCYpliancy n. The quality of being pliant.
PLIANCY n. the quality of being pliant.
POLYACTpolyact adj. (Zoology) polyactinal.
POLYACT adj. of a marine animal, having many rays or tentacles, also POLYACTINAL, POLYACTINE.
PRELACYprelacy n. The office of a prelate.
prelacy n. The prelature; prelates considered as a group.
prelacy n. A church government or organisation administered by prelates.
TYPICALtypical adj. Capturing the overall sense of a thing.
typical adj. Characteristically representing something by form, group, idea or type.
typical adj. Normal, average; to be expected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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