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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, C, L, N and V

CALVINGcalving v. Present participle of calve.
calving n. The act of giving birth to a calf.
calving n. The breaking away of a mass of ice from an glacier, iceberg etc.
ENCLAVEenclave n. A political, cultural or social entity or part thereof that is completely surrounded by another.
enclave n. A group that is set off from a larger population by its characteristic or behavior.
enclave n. (Computing) An isolated portion of an application’s address space, such that data in an enclave can…
UNVOCALunvocal adj. Not vocal.
UNVOCAL adj. not vocal.
VALANCEvalance n. A short curtain that usually hangs along the top edge of a window.
valance n. A decorative framework used to conceal the curtain mechanism and so on at the top of a window.
valance n. (Bedding) A short, decorative edging of cloth that hangs from beneath the mattress to the floor used…
VALENCEvalence n. (Chemistry, medicine, obsolete) An extract; a preparation, now especially one effective against a certain…
valence n. (Chemistry) The combining capacity of an atom, radical or functional group determined by the number…
valence n. (Chemistry) The number of binding sites of a molecule, such as an antibody or antigen.
VALENCYvalency n. (Graph theory) The number of edges connected to a vertex in a graph.
valency n. (Especially chemistry) Valence.
valency n. (Linguistics) The capacity of a verb to take a specific number of arguments.
VICINALvicinal adj. Of or pertaining to a neighborhood; neighboring.
vicinal adj. (Chemistry) Describing identical atoms or groups attached to nearby (especially adjacent) atoms in a molecule.
vicinal adj. (Mineralogy) Describing subordinate planes on a crystal, which are very near to the fundamental planes…
VINCULAvincula n. Plural of vinculum.
VINCULUM n. (Latin) a horizontal line placed above a part of an equation, etc., equivalent to brackets.
VOLCANOvolcano n. A vent or fissure on the surface of a planet (usually in a mountainous form) with a magma chamber attached…
volcano n. A kind of firework producing an upward plume of sparks.
volcano v. To erupt; to burst forth.
VULCANSVulcans n. Plural of Vulcan.
VULCAN n. (Latin) a blacksmith or ironworker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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