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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, C, K, O and T

BACKLOTbacklot n. The farthest section of a parking lot.
backlot n. (Hollywood) The area of a movie studio where outdoor scenes were filmed. It typically served as a generic…
BACKLOT n. an outdoor area, often next to a TV studio, used for exterior scenes.
BACKOUTbackout n. A reversal or undoing of tasks previously done (often in reverse order).
backout n. (Aerospace) A reversed countdown (i.e. ascending numbers) in response to problems leading up to a launch.
back␣out v. (Transitive) To reverse (a vehicle) from a confined space.
CASTOCKcastock n. The stalk of kale or cabbage.
CASTOCK n. (Scots) a cabbage stock, also CUSTOCK.
COMATIKcomatik n. Alternative form of komatik.
COMATIK n. (Inuit) a sled with wooden runners, also KAMOTIK, KAMOTIQ, KOMATIK, QAMUTIK.
HATTOCKhattock n. (Scotland, archaic) A small hat.
HATTOCK n. (Scots) a little hat.
HOTCAKEhotcake n. (North America) A pancake.
hot␣cake n. Alternative form of hotcake.
HOTCAKE n. (US) a griddlecake.
JACKPOTjackpot n. A money prize pool which accumulates until the conditions are met for it to be won.
jackpot n. A large cash prize or money.
jackpot n. An unexpected windfall or reward.
MATTOCKmattock n. An agricultural tool whose blades are at right angles to the body, similar to a pickaxe.
mattock v. To cut or dig with a mattock.
MATTOCK n. a kind of pickaxe for loosening soil, also MADDOCK.
OATCAKEoatcake n. Any of many flat biscuits, or cakes, made from oatmeal.
OATCAKE n. a thin unleavened cake similar to a biscuit, made with oatmeal.
OUTBACKoutback n. (Australia) The most remote and desolate areas of Australia; the desert and areas too arid for growing crops.
outback adj. Characteristic of the most remote and desolate areas of Australia; very remote from urban areas.
outback adv. To or towards the most remote and desolate areas of Australia.
STOMACKstomack n. Archaic form of stomach.
stomack v. Archaic form of stomach.
STOMACK n. (East Africa) in the phrase have a stomack, to be pregnant.
TARROCKtarrock n. (Northern Scotland) a young kittiwake.
tarrock n. (UK, dialect) The common guillemot.
tarrock n. (UK, dialect) The common tern.
TOMBACKtomback n. Archaic form of tombak.
TOMBACK n. (Malay) an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBAK.
TOWSACKtowsack n. (Chiefly US regional) A kind of burlap sack; a gunny sack.
TOWSACK n. a sack made of a coarse fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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