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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, C, K, O and P

CAPROCKcaprock n. (Geology) A harder or more resistant rock type overlying a weaker or less resistant rock type.
CAPROCK n. an overlying rock layer.
HOPSACKhopsack n. (Countable) A hemp sack used for holding hops.
hopsack n. (Uncountable) A coarse, loosely-woven clothing fabric.
HOPSACK n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACKING.
JACKPOTjackpot n. A money prize pool which accumulates until the conditions are met for it to be won.
jackpot n. A large cash prize or money.
jackpot n. An unexpected windfall or reward.
PADDOCKpaddock n. (Also figuratively) A small enclosure or field of grassland, especially one used to exercise or graze…
paddock n. (By extension).
paddock v. (Often passive) To place or keep (cattle, horses, sheep, or other animals) within a paddock (noun sense…
PADLOCKpadlock n. A detachable lock that can be used to secure something by means of a sliding or hinged shackle.
padlock v. To lock using a padlock.
PADLOCK v. to lock securely.
PAIOCKEpaiocke n. Alternative spelling of pajock.
PAIOCKE n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCK, PAJOCK, PAJOCKE.
PAIOCKSPAIOCK n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCKE, PAJOCK, PAJOCKE.
PAJOCKEpajocke n. Alternative spelling of pajock.
PAJOCKE n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCK, PAIOCKE, PAJOCK.
PAJOCKSpajocks n. Plural of pajock.
PAJOCK n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCK, PAIOCKE, PAJOCKE.
PARROCKparrock n. (UK, dialect) An enclosure; a park; a croft, or small field; a paddock.
parrock v. (Transitive) To enclose or shut in; park.
PARROCK n. (Scots) a croft, or small field; a paddock.
PEACOCKpeacock n. A male peafowl, especially Pavo cristatus, notable for its brilliant iridescently ocellated tail.
peacock n. A peafowl (of the genus Pavo or Afropavo), either male or female.
peacock n. A vainglorious person.
POCKARDPOCKARD n. a kind of European duck with a red head, also POCHARD.
POLLACKpollack n. Alternative spelling of pollock.
pollack v. Alternative spelling of pollock.
Pollack n. Alternative spelling of Polack.
YAPOCKSyapocks n. Plural of yapock.
YAPOCK n. the South American opossum, also YAPOK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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