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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, O and U

ABOULICaboulic adj. Alternative form of abulic.
ABOULIC adj. relating to aboulia, loss of willpower, also ABULIC.
ACINOUSacinous adj. Alternative spelling of acinose.
ACINOUS adj. relating to a saclike division of a gland, also ACINOSE, ACINAR, ACINIC.
ACOUCHIacouchi n. Any of several rodents of the genus Myoprocta of the family Dasyproctidae, smaller than agoutis, which…
ACOUCHI n. (Tupi) a burrowing rodent, also AGOUTI, ACOUCHY, AGOUTY, AGUTI.
AUCTIONauction n. A public event where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
auction n. (Bridge) The first stage of a deal, in which players bid to determine the final contract.
auction v. To sell at an auction.
BIVOUACbivouac n. An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering.
bivouac n. Any temporary encampment.
bivouac n. A temporary shelter constructed generally for a few nights.
CARIBOUcaribou n. Any of several North American subspecies of the reindeer, Rangifer tarandus.
Caribou prop.n. A rural area in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Caribou prop.n. A census-designated place in Plumas County, California, United States.
CARIOUScarious adj. Having caries (bone or tooth decay); decayed, rotten.
CARIOUS adj. of teeth, affected with caries, decayed, also CARIOSE.
CAUTIONcaution n. Prudence when faced with, or when expecting to face, danger; care taken in order to avoid risk or harm.
caution n. A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided.
caution n. Security; guaranty; bail.
COQUINAcoquina n. (Countable) Any of several small marine clams, of the species Donax variabilis, common in United States…
coquina n. (Uncountable, geology) A soft form of limestone made of fragments of shells, sometimes used as a building…
COQUINA n. (Spanish) a coarse-grained, porous variety of clastic limestone made up chiefly of shells and shell fragments.
CURIOSAcuriosa n. Curiosities, especially erotic or pornographic books or articles.
CURIOSA n. (Latin) rare and curious books.
INOCULAinocula n. Plural of inoculum.
INOCULUM n. (Latin) the material used in an inoculation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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