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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, C, H, M and O

CAMPHOLcamphol n. Borneol.
CAMPHOL n. a rare variety of camphor, aka borneol, also CAMPHIRE, CAMPHOR.
CAMPHORcamphor n. (Organic chemistry) A white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone, 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2…
CAMPHOR n. (Malay) a solid essential oil derived from camphor laurel, also CAMPHIRE, CAMPHOL.
CHAMISOchamiso n. An evergreen shrub, Atriplex canescens, found in the southwestern United States.
chamiso n. An evergreen shrub native to California, Adenostoma fasciculatum.
CHAMISO n. (Spanish) a Californian shrub with white flowers, growing in dense thickets, also CHAMISA, CHAMISE.
CHAMOISchamois n. A short-horned goat antelope native to mountainous terrain in southern Europe; Rupicapra rupicapra.
chamois n. Short for chamois leather (“soft pliable leather originally made from the skin of chamois (nowadays…
chamois n. The traditional colour of chamois leather.
CHAMOIXchamoix n. Alternative form of chamois.
CHAMOIX n. a soft leather, also CHAMOIS.
CHROMASchromas n. Plural of chroma.
CHROMA n. (Greek) quality of colour.
HAMMOCKhammock n. A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or…
hammock n. (US, archaic outside dialects) A piece of land thickly wooded, and usually covered with bushes and vines.
hammock v. (Intransitive) To lie in a hammock.
MACHZORmachzor n. (Judaism) A prayerbook for a Jewish holiday.
MACHZOR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book, also MAHZOR.
MALICHOmalicho n. (Obsolete) mischief.
MALICHO n. (Shakespeare) mischief, also MALLECHO.
MANIHOCmanihoc n. Obsolete form of manioc.
MANIHOC n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCA, MANDIOCCA, MANIHOT, MANIOC, MANIOCA.
MOCHILAmochila n. (US, especially Western US) A large leather flap that covers the saddle tree.
MOCHILA n. (Spanish) a leather covering for a saddle.
MOHICANMohican prop.n. An indigenous people of New England; the Mohicans.
Mohican prop.n. (Erroneous) The Mohegan people.
Mohican n. A member of this tribe; a Mohican.
MONARCHmonarch n. The ruler of an absolute monarchy or the head of state of a constitutional monarchy.
monarch n. The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, and others of genus Danaus, found primarily in North America…
monarch n. (Aboriginal English) A police officer.
MORCHASmorchas n. Plural of morcha.
MORCHA n. (Hindi) a hostile demonstration against the government.
NOMARCHnomarch n. (Historical) The governor of an ancient Egyptian nome.
nomarch n. The chief administrator of a modern Greek nomarchy.
NOMARCH n. (Greek) the chief magistrate of a nome or nomarchy.
OGHAMICoghamic adj. In, of, or pertaining to Ogham.
OGHAMIC adj. of or like ogham, also OGAMIC, OGMIC.
STOMACHstomach n. An organ in animals that stores food in the process of digestion.
stomach n. (Informal) The belly.
stomach n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Pride, haughtiness.
UNMACHOunmacho adj. Not macho.
UNMACHO adj. not macho.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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