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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, C, H, K and O

BACKHOEbackhoe n. A piece of excavating equipment consisting of a digging bucket or scoop on the end of an articulated…
backhoe n. (Chiefly US, Canada, Australia) A multi-purpose tractor with a front-mounted loading bucket and a rear-mounted…
backhoe v. To excavate using such equipment.
CHABOUKchabouk n. Alternative form of chabuk.
CHABOUK n. (Urdu) a type of horsewhip, also CHABUK.
CHOKRASchokras n. Plural of chokra.
CHOKRA n. (Hindi) a boy; a household or regimental servant.
HADDOCKhaddock n. A marine fish, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of the North Atlantic, important as a food fish.
Haddock prop.n. A surname.
HADDOCK n. a North Atlantic food fish, similar to but smaller than the cod, also HADDIE.
HAMMOCKhammock n. A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or…
hammock n. (US, archaic outside dialects) A piece of land thickly wooded, and usually covered with bushes and vines.
hammock v. (Intransitive) To lie in a hammock.
HASSOCKhassock n. A dense clump of grass or vegetation; a tussock.
hassock n. A cushion used primarily in churches for kneeling on while praying. Synonym: kneeler.
hassock n. A thick cushion used as a seat; an ottoman or pouffe.
HATTOCKhattock n. (Scotland, archaic) A small hat.
HATTOCK n. (Scots) a little hat.
HAYCOCKhaycock n. A small, conical stack of hay left in a field to dry before adding to a haystack.
Haycock prop.n. A surname.
hay-cock n. A small conical pile of hay, or a heap of hay thrown up in a hayfield while the hay is being cured or…
HOECAKEhoecake n. (Dated, Southern US) A type of cornbread or cornmeal cake, made with water and salt. It was originally…
HOECAKE n. a thin cake of ground maize, often baked on a hoe-blade.
HOGBACKhogback n. (Geology) A sharp steep-sided ridge formed by the erosion of tilting strata.
hogback n. A hogframe.
hogback n. A Viking grave marker taking the form of a recumbent monument, generally with a curved (hogbacked) ridge…
HOPSACKhopsack n. (Countable) A hemp sack used for holding hops.
hopsack n. (Uncountable) A coarse, loosely-woven clothing fabric.
HOPSACK n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACKING.
HOTCAKEhotcake n. (North America) A pancake.
hot␣cake n. Alternative form of hotcake.
HOTCAKE n. (US) a griddlecake.
KABOCHAkabocha n. A variety of Japanese winter squash, from species Cucurbita maxima.
KABOCHA n. (Japanese) a Japanese pumpkin or squash.
KACHORIkachori n. An Indian snack of flour with beans and spices.
KACHORI n. (Hindi) an Indian snack of pastry with a spicy filling.
KOCHIASKOCHIA n. any of several plants whose foliage turns dark red in summer.
SHACKOSshackos n. Plural of shacko.
SHACKO n. (Hungarian) the hat usually worn by members of a marching band, also CHACO, SHAKO.
WHACKOSwhackos n. Plural of whacko.
WHACKO n. an eccentric person, also WACK, WACKO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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