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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, C, G, O and U

CAGOULEcagoule n. (Britain) A lightweight waterproof parka.
CAGOULE n. (French) a light anorak, also CAGOUL, KAGOOL, KAGOUL, KAGOULE.
CAGOULScagouls n. Plural of cagoul.
CAGOUL n. (French) a light anorak, also CAGOULE, KAGOOL, KAGOUL, KAGOULE.
COAGULAcoagula n. Plural of coagulum.
COAGULUM n. (Latin) a clot.
COUGANSCOUGAN n. (Australian slang) a rowdy heavy drinker.
COUGARScougars n. Plural of cougar.
Cougars n. Plural of Cougar.
COUGAR n. a mountain lion, also COUGUAR.
COUGUARcouguar n. Dated form of cougar. (the animal)
COUGUAR n. a mountain lion, also COUGAR.
COURAGEcourage n. The quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate.
courage n. The ability to overcome one’s fear, do or live things which one finds frightening.
courage n. The ability to maintain one’s will or intent despite either the experience of fear, frailty, or frustration;…
GAUCHOSgauchos n. Plural of gaucho.
gauchos n. Calf-length trousers with flared legs.
GAUCHO n. (Spanish) a cowboy of the South American pampas.
GOUACHEgouache n. (Painting) A thick, opaque watercolour paint made with gum containing an inert white pigment to make it opaque.
gouache n. (Painting, countable) A painting made with this paint.
gouache v. To produce work in the gouache medium.
GUANACOguanaco n. A South American ruminant (Lama guanicoe), closely related to the other lamoids, the alpaca, llama…
GUANACO n. (Quechua) a South American mammal, allied to the llama, also HUANACO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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