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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, C, G, M and O

CAMBOGEcamboge n. Alternative form of gamboge.
CAMBOGE n. a yellow gum resin, also CAMBOGIA.
CAMOGIEcamogie n. A women’s stick-and-ball sport from Ireland, almost identical to hurling.
CAMOGIE n. (Irish) an Irish game, a form of hurling, played by women.
CAMPONGcampong n. Alternative spelling of kampong.
CAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also KAMPONG.
COAMINGcoaming n. (Nautical) On a boat, the vertical side of above-deck structures, such as the coach roof, hatch, and cockpit.
coaming n. A raised frame, designed to deflect or prevent entry of water, around an opening (e.g., a hatch or skylight)…
COAMING n. a raised border.
COMPAGEcompage n. (Obsolete) Compages; consistency, solid structure; the compaction of parts into a whole.
compage n. (Obsolete) A compages; a unified complex whole formed from the compaction of parts.
COMPAGE n. (obsolete) a system or structure of many parts united.
GAMMOCKgammock n. (UK, dialect) A frolic; fun.
gammock v. (UK, dialect, intransitive) To frolic; to lark about.
GAMMOCK v. (dialect) to frolic.
MOCKAGEmockage n. (Obsolete) Mockery; mocking.
MOCKAGE n. (obsolete) mockery.
OGHAMICoghamic adj. In, of, or pertaining to Ogham.
OGHAMIC adj. of or like ogham, also OGAMIC, OGMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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