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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, F, L and R

CAREFULcareful adj. Taking care; attentive to potential danger, error or harm; cautious.
careful adj. Conscientious and painstaking; meticulous.
careful adj. (Obsolete) Full of care or grief; sorrowful, sad.
CARFULScarfuls n. Plural of carful.
CARFUL n. as much as a car can hold.
CARTFULcartful n. As much as a cart will hold.
CARTFUL n. the contents of a cart.
CLARIFYclarify v. (Of liquids, such as wine or syrup) To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter.
clarify v. To make clear or easily understood; to explain in order to remove doubt or obscurity.
clarify v. (Ergative) To grow or become clear or transparent; to become free from feculent impurities, as wine…
FACULARfacular adj. (Astronomy) Of or pertaining to the faculae.
FACULAR adj. of or pertaining to faculae, groups of small shining spots on the surface of the sun.
FILACERfilacer n. (Britain, law, obsolete) A former officer in the English Court of Common Pleas and the Court of King’s…
FILACER n. an officer who files writs, also FILAZER.
FLACKERflacker v. (Intransitive) To flutter like a bird.
flacker v. (Intransitive) To flicker; to quiver.
FLACKER v. (Scots) to flutter, also FLAFFER.
FLATCARflatcar n. (Rail transport, US) A railroad freight car without sides and roof.
FLATCAR n. a railway car without sides or roof.
FRACTALfractal n. (Mathematics) A mathematical set that has a non-integer and constant Hausdorff dimension; a geometric…
fractal n. (Figurative) An object, system, or idea that exhibits a fractal-like property.
fractal adj. (Mathematics) Having the form of a fractal.
FURCULAfurcula n. (Anatomy) A forked process or structure, generally two-pronged.
furcula n. (Ornithology) The forked bone formed by the fusion of the clavicles in birds, the wishbone or merrythought.
furcula n. (Entomology) The (two-pronged) forked, somewhat tail-like organ held bent forward and secured by a catch…
RACKFULrackful n. Enough to fill a rack.
RACKFUL n. as much as a rack can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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