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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, 2F and I

AFFICHEaffiche n. A written or printed notice to be posted, as on a wall; a poster; a placard.
affiche v. To fix, fasten; to fix a poster or placard to a wall.
affiche v. To parade, to advertise, publicise; to display, show.
AFFLICTafflict v. (Transitive) To cause (someone) pain, suffering or distress.
afflict v. (Obsolete) To strike or cast down; to overthrow.
afflict v. (Obsolete) To make low or humble.
CAFFEINcaffein n. Alternative spelling of caffeine.
CAFFEIN n. a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant, also CAFFEINE.
CAFFILAcaffila n. Alternative form of cafila.
CAFFILA n. (Arabic) a caravan, caravan-train, also CAFILA, KAFILA.
CAITIFFcaitiff n. A base or despicable person; a wretch.
caitiff n. (Obsolete) A captive or prisoner, particularly a galley slave.
caitiff n. (Archaic) A villain, a coward or wretch.
FANCIFYfancify v. (Transitive) To make fancy.
FANCIFY v. to make fancy.
FANFICSfanfics n. Plural of fanfic.
FANFIC n. (short for) fiction written around previously established characters invented by other authors.
FARCIFYfarcify v. (Transitive) To make farcical; to turn into farce.
FARCIFY v. to turn into a farce.
MAFFICKmaffick v. (Now historical, intransitive) To celebrate a victory in a boisterous manner.
maffick n. (Now historical) The boisterous celebration of a victory.
MAFFICK v. to celebrate exuberantly.
SCAFFIEscaffie n. (UK, dialect, dated) A dustman or street sweeper.
SCAFFIE n. (Scots) a scavenger.
TRAFFICtraffic n. Moving pedestrians or vehicles, or the flux or passage thereof.
traffic n. Commercial transportation or exchange of goods, or the movement of passengers or people.
traffic n. Illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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