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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, O and V

ALCOVEDalcoved adj. (Sometimes in combination) Having (a specified type or number of) alcoves.
ALCOVED adj. having an alcove.
ALCOVESalcoves n. Plural of alcove.
ALCOVE n. (Arabic) a vaulted or arched recess in a room-wall, formerly especially one for a bed.
AVOCETSavocets n. Plural of avocet.
AVOCET n. a wading bird with a long bill bent upwards towards the tip, also AVOSET.
CABOVERcabover n. A style of truck, bus, or van that has a vertical front or "flat face", with the cab of the truck sitting…
CABOVER n. a truck or lorry with the cab over the engine.
CAVEOLAcaveola n. A small (50–100 nanometer) invagination of the plasma membrane in many vertebrate cell types.
CAVEOLA n. a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
CAVETTOcavetto n. (Architecture) A concave moulding with a regular curved profile that is part of a circle.
CAVETTO n. (Italian) a concave moulding.
CENTAVOcentavo n. Currency unit (hundredth of a peso) in Mexico.
centavo n. A similar subdenomination of various other currencies (in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia…
centavo n. (Historical) The former subdenomination of some other currencies (in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador…
COAEVALcoaeval adj. Alternative form of coeval.
coaeval n. Alternative form of coeval.
coæval adj. Alternative spelling of coeval.
COEVALScoevals n. Plural of coeval.
COEVAL n. a person of the same age.
CONCAVEconcave adj. Curved like the inner surface of a sphere or bowl.
concave adj. (Geometry, not comparable, of a polygon) not convex; having at least one internal angle greater than 180 degrees.
concave adj. (Functional analysis, not comparable, of a real-valued function on the reals) satisfying the property…
COUVADEcouvade n. A practice among some peoples, such as the Basques, of the husband of a woman in the last stages of…
couvade n. Sympathetic pregnancy: the involuntary sympathetic experience of the husband of symptoms of his wife’s…
COUVADE n. (French) a primitive birth ritual.
EVOCATEevocate v. (Rare) To evoke.
evocate v. To call up.
EVOCATE v. to evoke.
OCTAVESoctaves n. Plural of octave.
OCTAVE n. a set of eight musical notes.
OVERACToveract v. (Acting) To act in an exaggerated manner.
overact v. (Obsolete, transitive) To act upon, or influence, unduly.
OVERACT v. to act with exaggeration.
VACUOLEvacuole n. (Cytology) A large membrane-bound vesicle in a cell’s cytoplasm.
vacuole n. A small empty or air-filled space or vacuity.
VACUOLE n. a small cavity in organic tissue.
VOCABLEvocable n. (Linguistics) A word or utterance, especially with reference to its form rather than its meaning.
vocable n. (Music) A syllable or sound without specific meaning, used together with or in place of actual words in a song.
vocable adj. (Linguistics) Able to be uttered.
VOMICAEvomicae n. Plural of vomica.
VOMICA n. (Latin) a cavity in the body containing pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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