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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, I and X

AUXETICauxetic adj. (Chemistry) Having the property of counterintuitively expanding when being stretched.
auxetic adj. (Pathology) Relating to auxesis.
auxetic n. An auxetic material.
CALIXEScalixes n. Plural of calix.
Calixes prop.n. Plural of Calix.
CALIX n. (Latin) a cup; esp. an ecclesiastical chalice.
CASEMIXcasemix n. Alternative form of case mix.
case␣mix n. (Medicine) A group of statistically related patients considered together for purposes of classification.
CASEMIX n. a database system for storing information about medical patients.
EXCLAIMexclaim v. (Intransitive) To cry out suddenly, from some strong emotion.
exclaim v. (Transitive) To say suddenly and with strong emotion.
exclaim n. (Obsolete) Exclamation; outcry, clamor.
EXOTICAexotica n. Plural of exotic.
exotica n. Curious, strange, unusual and exotic things.
exotica n. (Music) A genre of American music from the 1950s, characterized by an evocative musical focus on the…
EXTATICextatic adj. Obsolete spelling of ecstatic.
extatic adj. Misspelling of ecstatic.
EXTATIC adj. ecstatic.
HEXADIChexadic adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a hexad; hexagonal.
HEXADIC adj. relating to a hexad.
INEXACTinexact adj. Imperfectly conforming; exceeding or falling short in some respect.
inexact adj. Imprecisely or indefinitely conceived or stated.
inexact adj. (Physics, of a differential) having a path-dependent integral.
LEXICALlexical adj. (Linguistics) Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language.
lexical adj. (Linguistics) Concerning lexicography or a lexicon or dictionary.
lexical adj. (Linguistics) Denoting a content word as opposed to a function word.
PICKAXEpickaxe n. A heavy iron tool with a wooden handle; one end of the head is pointed, the other has a chisel edge.
pickaxe v. To use a pickaxe.
pick-axe n. Alternative spelling of pickaxe.
TAXEMICtaxemic adj. Relating to taxemes.
TAXEMIC adj. relating to a taxeme, a unit of grammatical relationship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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