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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, F and T

ACETIFYacetify v. (Transitive) To convert into acid or vinegar.
acetify v. (Intransitive) To turn acid.
ACETIFY v. to convert to vinegar.
AFFECTSaffects n. Plural of affect.
affects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of affect.
AFFECT v. to act upon.
CANTREFcantref n. A mediaeval land division in Wales.
CANTREF n. (Welsh) a district comprising a hundred villages, also CANTRED.
CATFACEcatface n. A mark or blemish in wood, plasterwork etc.
catface n. A deformity in tomatoes, of unknown cause, characterized by cracked and misshapen fruit.
CATFACE n. a deformity of fruit.
CRAFTEDcrafted adj. Manufactured.
crafted v. Simple past tense and past participle of craft.
CRAFT v. to make by hand.
CRAFTERcrafter n. Someone who participates in a particular handicraft, either as a hobby or as a small business.
CRAFTER n. a person doing craftwork.
FACETEDfaceted adj. Having facets.
faceted v. Simple past tense and past participle of facet.
FACET v. to cut small plane surfaces on.
FACTICEfactice n. Vulcanized unsaturated vegetable or animal oil, used as a processing aid and property modifier in rubber.
FACTICE n. vulcanized oil, used as substitute for rubber, also FACTIS.
FACTIVEfactive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Licensing only those content clauses that represent claims assumed to be true.
factive adj. (Epistemology, of a knowing agent) Which does not know any falsities: which knows only truths.
factive n. (Grammar) A factive verb.
FACTUREfacture n. (Archaic) The act or manner of making or doing anything, especially of a literary, musical, or pictorial production.
facture n. (Dated, business) An invoice or bill of parcels.
FACTURE n. the quality of the execution of a painting; an artist's characteristic handling of the paint.
FALCATEfalcate adj. (Zoology and botany) Shaped like a sickle.
FALCATE adj. curved and tapering to a point, also FALCATED.
FAUCETSfaucets n. Plural of faucet.
FAUCET n. a pipe inserted in a barrel to draw off liquid; (US) a tap.
FLACKETflacket n. A barrel-shaped bottle; a flagon.
FLACKET v. to flap, flutter.
FRACTEDfracted adj. (Heraldry) Having a part displaced, as if broken; said of an ordinary.
fracted adj. Broken.
FRACT v. to break; to violate.
FURCATEfurcate adj. Forked, branched; divided at one end into parts.
furcate v. To fork or branch out.
FURCATE adj. forked.
GEOFACTgeofact n. A natural stone formation that is difficult to distinguish from a man-made artifact.
GEOFACT n. a rock chipped naturally that looks like a manmade artifact.
OUTFACEoutface v. (Transitive) To disconcert someone with an unblinking face-to-face confrontation; to stare down; to withsay.
outface v. (Transitive) To boldly confront a situation.
OUTFACE v. to confront unflinchingly.
REFRACTrefract v. (Intransitive, of light) To change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
refract v. (Transitive, optics) To cause (light) to change direction as a result of entering a different medium.
REFRACT v. to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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