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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, F and N

CAFFEINcaffein n. Alternative spelling of caffeine.
CAFFEIN n. a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant, also CAFFEINE.
CANTREFcantref n. A mediaeval land division in Wales.
CANTREF n. (Welsh) a district comprising a hundred villages, also CANTRED.
ENCHAFEenchafe v. (Obsolete, transitive) To make warm, to heat.
ENCHAFE v. (obsolete) to make warm; to irritate.
ENFACEDenfaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of enface.
ENFACE v. to stamp or print on the front of.
ENFACESenfaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enface.
ENFACE v. to stamp or print on the front of.
FACEMANfaceman n. Alternative spelling of face man.
face␣man n. A person who is used to present a good public face for an organization.
FACEMAN n. a miner who works at the coalface.
FACEMENfacemen n. Plural of faceman (alternative spelling of face men).
face␣men n. Plural of face man.
FACEMAN n. a miner who works at the coalface.
FACIENDfaciend n. (Mathematics, obsolete) The multiplicand.
FACIEND n. (Latin) a number to be multiplied by another.
FACONNEfaconne n. Alternative spelling of façonné.
façonné n. A fabric having a pattern woven into it, especially one in which the pattern stands out from a sheer background.
façonné n. The pattern itself.
FAIENCEfaience n. A type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic.
faience n. (Archaeology) The beads and small ornaments of the eastern Mediterranean. (Of bronze and iron age manufacture…
faïence n. Alternative spelling of faience.
FANCIEDfancied adj. Existing only in the fancy (“imagination”); imaginary, imagined.
fancied adj. Organized, or (especially of attire) designed, to suit one’s fancy or whim.
fancied adj. Having a fancy (“inclination, liking, or love”) for; desired, favourite.
FANCIERfancier adj. Comparative form of fancy: more fancy.
fancier n. One who fancies; a person with a special interest, attraction or liking for something.
fancier n. A person who breeds or grows a particular animal or plant for points of excellence.
FANCIESfancies n. Plural of fancy.
fancies n. Plural of fancie.
fancies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fancy.
FASCINEfascine n. (Chiefly construction) Originally a cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, and now often a bundle…
fascine n. (Specifically, military fortification) A similar bundle of sticks of wood or plastic pipes used for…
fascine n. (Figuratively, rare) Something which is used for defensive purposes.
FAYENCEfayence n. Alternative form of faience.
FAYENCE n. (French) a type of glazed pottery, also FAIENCE.
FIANCEEfiancee n. Alternative spelling of fiancée.
fianceé n. Misspelling of fiancée.
fiancée n. A woman who is engaged to be married; the woman to whom one is engaged.
FIANCESfiances n. Plural of fiance.
fiancés n. Plural of fiancé.
FIANCE n. (French) a man engaged to be married.
FINANCEfinance n. The management of money and other assets.
finance n. The science of management of money and other assets.
finance n. (Usually in the plural) Monetary resources, especially those of a public entity or a company.
FURNACEfurnace n. (UK) An industrial heating device, e.g. for smelting metal or baking ceramics.
furnace n. (US, Canada) A device that provides heat for a building; a space heater.
furnace n. (Colloquial) Any area that is excessively hot.
UNIFACEuniface n. (Archaeology) A prehistoric stone tool that has been flaked on one surface only.
UNIFACE n. a coin having a design on only one side.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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