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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, C, D and 2O

AVOCADOavocado n. The large, usually yellowish-green or black, savory fruit of the avocado tree.
avocado n. The avocado tree, Persea americana, of the laurel family.
avocado n. (Color, chiefly uncountable) A dark chartreuse colour, like the colour of the skin of an avocado.
CAMOODIcamoodi n. A boa constrictor or other constricting snake.
CAMOODI n. (Caribbean) an anaconda.
CAMWOODcamwood n. An African hardwood tree, Baphia nitida, that is a form of sandalwood.
camwood n. The wood of this tree.
CAMWOOD n. the wood of a West African tree, used in making a red dye.
CARDOONcardoon n. Cynara cardunculus, a prickly perennial plant related to the artichoke which has leaf stalks eaten as a vegetable.
CARDOON n. a thistle-like plant.
CATFOODcatfood n. Alternative spelling of cat food.
cat␣food n. A type of food specially formulated for the feeding of cats, typically composed of processed grain and…
CATFOOD n. food for cats.
CATHOODcathood n. The state or time of being a cat.
CATHOOD n. the state of being a cat.
CORDOBAcordoba n. Alternative form of córdoba, currency of Nicaragua.
Cordoba prop.n. Alternative form of Córdoba.
córdoba n. The currency of Nicaragua, divided into 100 centavos.
MOCKADOmockado n. (Obsolete) A material made in imitation of velvet.
MOCKADO n. (obsolete) an inferior quality woollen fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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