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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, 2C, D and I

ACCIDIAACCIDIA n. (Latin) sloth; physical torpor, also ACCIDIE, ACEDIA.
ACCIDIEaccidie n. (Now literary) Sloth, slothfulness, especially as inducing general listlessness and apathy.
ACCIDIE n. (Latin) sloth, physical torpor, also ACCIDIA, ACEDIA.
ACCITEDaccited v. Simple past tense and past participle of accite.
ACCITE v. to cite; to summon.
ACCOIEDaccoied v. (Nonstandard) past participle of accoy.
ACCOY v. (Spenser) to subdue, pacify.
CACTOIDcactoid n. A member of the cactus subfamily Cactoideae.
cactoid n. (Topology) A locally connected continuum that is the closure of the union of an at most countable number…
CACTOID adj. cactus-shaped.
CADDICEcaddice n. Alternative form of caddis (“larva”).
CADDICE n. a coarse woollen fabric, also CADDIS.
CADUCEIcaducei n. Plural of caduceus.
CADUCEUS n. (Latin) a Greek or Roman herald's wand; specifically the wand carried by the messenger-god Hermes or Mercury, usually represented with two serpents twined round it.
CARDIACcardiac adj. (Biology, medicine) Pertaining to the heart.
cardiac adj. (Biology, medicine) Pertaining to the cardia; cardial (cardial is the usual adjective in this sense).
cardiac adj. (Medicine, archaic) Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach; cordial; stimulant.
CHALCIDchalcid n. Any of many small wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, most of which are parasitoids of other insects.
CHALCID n. any small parasitic insect of the family Chalcididae, that lay their eggs inside the bodies of other insects.
CICADAEcicadae n. Plural of cicada.
CICADA n. (Latin) a winged insect, also CICALA.
CICADAScicadas n. Plural of cicada.
CICADA n. (Latin) a winged insect, also CICALA.
FLACCIDflaccid adj. Flabby.
flaccid adj. Soft; floppy.
flaccid adj. Lacking energy or vigor.
OCTADICoctadic adj. Of or pertaining to an octad; eightfold.
OCTADIC adj. relating to an octad.
SCALDICscaldic adj. Alternative form of skaldic.
SCALDIC adj. pertaining to an ancient Scandinavian poet, also SKALDIC.
SCANDICscandic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to scandium.
SCANDIC adj. of or pertaining to the element scandium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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