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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, B, 2T and U

ABUTTALabuttal n. (Rare, plural only) The butting or boundary of land, particularly at the end; buttals.
abuttal n. An abutment.
abuttal n. The act of abutting.
ABUTTEDabutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of abut.
ABUT v. to be adjacent to and touching.
ABUTTERabutter n. One who, or that which, abuts, specifically, the owner of a contiguous estate.
ABUTTER n. a person whose property abuts.
BATHTUBbathtub n. A large container for holding water in which a person may bathe (take a bath).
bath␣tub n. Alternative form of bathtub.
BATHTUB n. a tub for bathing.
BATTEAUbatteau n. Alternative form of bateau.
BATTEAU n. (Canadian) a boat; especially a flat-bottomed, clumsy boat used on the Canadian lakes and rivers, also BATEAU.
BATTUESbattues n. Plural of battue.
BATTUE n. (French) indiscriminate slaughter; the driving of game towards slaughter.
BATTUTAbattuta n. (Music) beat.
BATTUTA n. (Italian) the measurement of time by beating.
BATTUTOBATTUTO n. (Italian) a selection of chopped herbs, used in Italian cookery.
BUTTALSbuttals n. Plural of buttal.
BUTTALS n. boundary lines.
CATTABUcattabu n. An animal that is a cross between the zebu and American cattle.
CATTABU n. a cross between domestic cattle and zebu.
TUBAISTtubaist n. Someone who plays the tuba.
TUBAIST n. a tuba player, also TUBIST.
TUBFASTtubfast adj. Colorfast such that it will not fade when washed in a tub.
tub-fast n. (Obsolete) The treatment of venereal disease by sweating in a hot tub.
TUBFAST n. (Shakespeare) the treatment of venereal disease by fasting and sweating in a hot tub.
TUGBOATtugboat n. A small, powerful boat used to push or pull barges or to help maneuver larger vessels.
tug-boat n. Alternative form of tugboat.
tug␣boat n. Alternative form of tugboat.
TURBANTturbant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURBANT n. (Milton) a turban.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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