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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, B, N, R and T

ANTBEARantbear n. Alternative spelling of ant bear.
ant-bear n. Alternative spelling of ant bear.
ant␣bear n. Aardvark (Orycteropus afer).
ANTBIRDantbird n. Any of various drab-colored South American birds of the family Thamnophilidae that feed on ants.
ANTBIRD n. any of a group of tropical birds.
ATABRINATABRIN n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRINE, ATEBRIN.
ATEBRINatebrin n. A preparation of the drug quinacrine, formerly used as an antimalarial.
ATEBRIN n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRIN, ATABRINE.
BANTERSbanters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of banter.
BANTER v. to exchange mildly teasing remarks.
BARNETSbarnets n. Plural of barnet.
Barnets prop.n. Plural of Barnet.
BARNET n. (slang) hair.
BARONETbaronet n. The bearer of a hereditary title, below a peerage and senior to most knighthoods, accompanied by the…
BARONET n. the lowest British hereditary title.
BARTENDbartend v. To tend a bar; to act as a barman.
bar-tend v. Alternative form of bartend.
BARTEND v. to serve in a bar.
BARTONSbartons n. Plural of barton.
BARTON n. a farmyard.
BARYTONbaryton n. (Music) A viol-like stringed instrument (chordophone) mainly played with a bow but with a set of plucked…
Baryton n. (Music) A reed stop on an organ of 16’ or 8’ that is imitative of a baryton.
BARYTON n. a kind of bass viol.
BRANTLEbrantle n. Alternative form of branle.
BRANTLE n. (French) an old French dance, also BRANSLE, BRANLE.
BRISANTbrisant adj. (Of an explosion or explosive) Having a shattering effect.
BRISANT adj. (French) explosive, shattering.
NUTBARSnutbars n. Plural of nutbar.
nut-bars n. Plural of nut-bar.
NUTBAR n. a bar made from chopped nuts.
REBOANTreboant adj. (Chiefly poetic) That reverberates or resounds loudly.
REBOANT adj. resounding loudly.
TANBARKtanbark n. The bark of the oak (or other trees) used as a source of tannin.
tanbark n. The spent bark used as a ground covering.
TANBARK n. a tree bark used for tanning.
TURBANDturband n. Archaic form of turban.
TURBAND n. (Shakespeare) a turban.
TURBANSturbans n. Plural of turban.
TURBAN n. (Turkish) a man's headdress, consisting of a length of cotton or silk wrapped round the head or a cap, worn esp. by Muslims and Sikhs, also TULBAN, TULIPANT, TURBAND, TURBANT, TURBOND, TURRIBANT.
TURBANTturbant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURBANT n. (Milton) a turban.
VIBRANTvibrant adj. Pulsing with energy or activity.
vibrant adj. Lively and vigorous.
vibrant adj. Vibrating, resonant or resounding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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