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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, B, N, O and Y

AMBOYNAamboyna n. A south-east Asian tree, Pterocarpus indicus.
amboyna n. The reddish, mottled or striped wood of this tree, used in cabinet-making.
Amboyna prop.n. Ambon Island, part of the Maluku Islands of Indonesia.
ANYBODYanybody pron. Any one out of an indefinite number of persons; anyone; any person.
anybody pron. (Informal) A person of some consideration or standing.
ANYBODY n. a single person.
BALCONYbalcony n. (Architecture) An accessible structure extending from a building, especially outside a window.
balcony n. An accessible structure overlooking a stage or the like.
BALCONY n. a platform projecting from the wall of a building, often with access from a door or window.
BALONEYbaloney n. A type of sausage; bologna.
baloney n. (Uncountable, chiefly US, slang) Nonsense.
Baloney prop.n. A surname.
BARYONSbaryons n. Plural of baryon.
BARYON n. a heavier class of subatomic particles.
BARYTONbaryton n. (Music) A viol-like stringed instrument (chordophone) mainly played with a bow but with a set of plucked…
Baryton n. (Music) A reed stop on an organ of 16’ or 8’ that is imitative of a baryton.
BARYTON n. a kind of bass viol.
BAYONETbayonet n. (Military) A pointed instrument of the dagger kind fitted on the muzzle of a musket or rifle, so as…
bayonet n. (Engineering) A pin which plays in and out of holes made to receive it, and which thus serves to engage…
bayonet v. (Transitive) To stab with a bayonet.
BODYMANbodyman n. Alternative form of body man.
body␣man n. A male personal assistant.
body␣man n. A man who works on auto bodies.
BOGYMANbogyman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOGYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGEYMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BOWYANGbowyang n. (Australia, New Zealand) A strap worn below the knee, especially by labourers, to keep the trousers…
BOWYANG n. (Australian) a strap tied around a trouser-leg.
BUOYANTbuoyant adj. Having buoyancy; able to float.
buoyant adj. (Figuratively) Lighthearted and lively.
buoyant adj. (Of an economy, business etc.) Involving or engaged in much successful trade or activity.
FANBOYSfanboys n. Plural of fanboy.
fanboys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fanboy.
FANBOYS n. (Mnemonic) Acronym used to remember the coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
NAEBODYnaebody n. Archaic spelling of nobody.
NAEBODY n. (Scots) nobody.
NOTABLYnotably adv. (Focus) As a pointed example; in a notable manner.
NOTABLE adv. famous.
SABAYONsabayon n. Synonym of zabaglione.
SABAYON n. (French) a sauce of whipped egg yolks, sugar and wine.
SANDBOYsandboy n. A boy who sells sand.
sandboy n. (In similes) A proverbially happy or jolly person.
SANDBOY n. one who is proverbially happy.
SOYBEANsoybean n. A legume plant (Glycine max), commonly cultivated for human and animal consumption and as a nitrogen-fixing…
soybean n. The edible seed of this plant.
soy␣bean n. Alternative form of soybean.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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